When Edison Knew Love

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Think you know everything about Edison? think again ... this man is a maze yet unexplored .aprt from his obsession to explore the scientific world there was a moment in his life when he knew love,or maybe infatuation? when did that happen you may wonder.. well in his early years of college. He was around 19 years old, living alone in a modest house and attending community college.He arrived in class for his first day of college, he was excited, even if he really did not want to be in this class without window or functional fan where it was still extremely hot, but he was still happy to be able to attend his first course in biology. The course started, he was focused...until a girl entered class, and Edison was speechless, his heart had stopped beating, he had never seen a woman like that, he was totally stunned in front of the elegance, the beauty, the aura that this woman gave off, and as soon as she looked at him, even accidentally, he was smug with admiration. She sat on the chair next to Edison and he didn't stop starring at her. It was love at first sight. Edison felt the earth stopped spinning when she was next to him. Before he thought that girls were people like any other with whom we can have a friendly relationship but nothing more ... BUT THIS EVENT changed the turn of his life, his goals, his view of the love . He didn't understand teen love stories, but he was starting to understand that feeling.

Her appearance was certainly not that of a model but her elegance and her obvious self confidence made him jump the first time he saw her. He didn't even know her name, but he already wanted to talk to her. Edison has never been attracted before by the appearance of a girl, he was not a superficial man, far from it, he was someone deep who analyze personalities as few manage to do. He wanted to break the wall of ice that had separated him from the others since his birth. However, his lack of experience in the field of " social relationships"was a real handicap. He never cared before of other he had a careless appearance, his hair was tousled, his clothes were dirty.The appearance for him was only a veil which hid the faults of a person, he was transparent, authentic. Edison wanted to approach her by asking her name, and she answered:" Alexandra, and you". The dialogue last for 10 seconds and finished by a:" sorry i got something to do, see you". This answer translated well what alexandra thought of this man: she was feeling disturbed when she saw him. Edison realized he missed his wowing attempt and that's where the dilemma comes in: being yourself and keeping your identity, or being a chameleon who adapts to the the society he lives in?

these two had more in common than what they thought: t, both came from modest social background, with the desire to succeed both were fiercely committed to success, and both were aware of the daily challenge they will have to overcome to realise their dreams However, their means were diametrically opposed, Alex sought the company of bourgeois elite, and was focusing to build her networking PR, always dressed in trendy clothes, and attending social gatherings she was therefore very concerned with her appearance and especially with her image, what would others say if they saw her hanging out with this eccentric guy, she would be rejected by the whole college.

Edison understood that he had to work his way into building relationships .Rather than just being himself s, he had to play the role of an open, relaxed, and confident man. You always hear quotas or advises telling you to be yourself and then Society tells you DONT

At first his tactic worked, people were more attracted to him . Alex started observing him from afar. she liked the way he talked, she noticed his neat and trendy attire, he was wearing quite simple but fashionable clothes. the two started getting closer, they had many things in common( Edison learned a lot of about influences and fashion on Internet). He was perfectly playing his role, and bluffed everybody by his radical change,. He was finally recognized by his mate which was a great achievement for him.

Edison and Alex started dating , spending their days together in various social activities, and exhibited their happiness on social networks.Their physical attraction was spinning off . when they kissed he felt he has to do it till hid last breath . He wished this moment will never end and at the same time feared when the end will come . He was in love deeply completely but the rational brain that he was knew an end will come.

Any union based on weak foundations can collapse very quickly, and this relation was all about l physical attraction least from Alex part. Edison was truly fond of her no matter what she looked like but she she liked the fake Edison the one he made up just to get her attention.

in love there is ONE CRUCIAL RULE: A LOVE RELATIONSHIP CAN'T BE UNILATERAL,however the breakup always is...Edison was tired to play the role of the cool guy who cares about what others think of him, He is a free spirited person that cannot be tied down to social conditions.Some signs showed the flaws in his double role, he was getting nervous, sometimes agressive, luckily these signs went unnoticed and were forgiven.

Their relationship was not as strong as it used to be, they no longer held hands when they walked together, their discussion were not as warm as before, even if Edison's passion was intact, it wasn't exactly the same for Alex, who was making less effort to maintain their relationship. Certain tensions begin to emerge within the couple, especially when rumors were saying that the couple was on the verge of breakup, they were accusing each other of spreading these rumors. Alex wanted to live something else and started to get closer to other boys which corresponded to be more to what she wanted, more manly, more popular

But the coup de grace was when he discovered that Alex went to have dinner with Brad, a popular guy,... Alex didn't deny the fact, and the very next day Brad and her showed up together.

He managed to remain calm till the next day when a message appeared on his mobile:" I break up with you, Brad gave me in one night more than what you did during our whole relationship"

what doesn't kill you make you stronger they say ... however Edison still bears up to his last days the scars of this failed relationship

." Was it really a failure ? " he wondered, " I gave her everything, what's wrong within me?Is it my personality? My appearance?"He enters a depression that will gnaw him from inside, and will push him to leave university. Little he knew that this decision paved the way to the brilliant future ahead of him

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