The day of the election

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Here we are ! The day of the election has finally arrived. Edison is serene, even if he knows very well that he can win it and see his dream come true, as he can see his project he patiently built piece by piece, collapse in few seconds. His campaign team was more nervous than ever before, the polls were announcing a very slight advantage for Edison. Everything can happen, all scenarios are open, despite that it is a duel between Edison and Cruise looming, because the other candidate Kennedy was also in the viewfinder of justice, for corruption, and despite this he was benefiting from high popularity ratings, because of his conservative electoral basis, who was not letting him down.

Zimmerman and Thompson were discussing the different scenarios of the campaign:

- What an exhausting campaign, was it? Who do you think will win it Laura? Said Thompson

- Well Edison is now the first in the polls today, but you know very well the reliability of polls in politics, specially in our country. Edison and Cruise are the two closest to win the race, but we can't eliminate Kennedy too because he's still popular in key states. But, I fell optimistic for tonight I think we can win it, because we put effort, money, determination, our journey was full of pitfalls, Edison is probably the candidate who suffered the most, because of bloody fake news medias, and that's why I believe we will win it. Answered Laura

- You're right, but you know this is one of the most indecisive campaign of the history, no candidate really stands out from another, but I believe we have strong chances to win it because Edison perfectly responded to polemics, and proved he was fit to be president, and it's partly because of your work.But you have to be wary, never sell the skin of the bear before killing it.

- Thank you, that's kind of you to say.You're right I should be more careful, and be more realistic, but we started from nothing, and now we are serious contenders for the job, that's why I'm full of hope for tonight.

- I just want to ask you not to cry, and not to be so sad if we lose it.

- You don't know me Edgar! I'm strongest than that, and come on man you're his VP you should be more optimistic and excited than that!

- I am being realistic, I don't know what's going to happen tonight, but I'm predicting an unexpected scenario for this election.

- Edgar has anybody told you you're too superstitious ?

- I am not remembering it... But I warned you

-Don't be worried, everything is gonna be okay !Well, I am a bit busy I have a meeting with the strategy team see you

Apparently Zimmerman is trying to temper the atmosphere with Thompson, but he sounds a bit surprised by this initiative, however he is appreciating it. In the meantime Zimmerman was meeting the strategy team and saw the polls coming today. And said to herself:" Oh yes Thompson was right, everything can happen, the candidates are too close from each others, and we still need to win key states in order to insure the victory", before addressing her team saying:" Look guys these hours and minutes are precious, very precious, our activity should be at her paroxysm, specially on social media, we have to post on our accounts a short video clip to convince undecided people. , because this could be our key to win definitely this election
Every detail is important, social media are examined very carefully by Edison s teams, every tweet, every poll, every update. At the moment it was strictly impossible to determine a winner between Cruise and Edison, in the morning Cruise was announced winner by the media, and suddenly Edison was announced favorite by other medias, people were totally lost and going crazy on social Medias, as for Edison's staff, tension was palpable on the candidate's face who was realizing he can really lose everything if he lost the campaign, including the huge investments to finance his campaign,though he was less worried than Zimmerman and Thompson who were really not feeling serene at all and he actually felt it, when the three brains of the campaign were having lunch, they were not talkative at all.
The atmosphere was less electric when 1 hour before the vote, the polls were announcing a slight victory for Edison, a wave of optimism was uniting the team, The two advisors of Edison were a little bit more confident now for the victory, but nothing is sure, never take anything for granted, thought Edison.
Everybody was waiting carefully for the results, either Edison's supporters who were gathered in Times Square, or the staff gathered of course in the headquarters, and Edison? He was writing his 2 speeches in case of victory and in case of defeat, with Zimmerman and Thompson, who were examination each and every word he was writing, because he knows his speech would be the most important speech in his career,these two speeches were sensibly different because the first would be considered as his first speech as a president, and the second would be his last speech as a candidate, the tone, the intensity, the pace of this speech are very different.
7:59It's the final countdown:5,4,3,2,1,and the exit poll says...A draw!!!!! 45% for Edison, 45 for Cruise, 10% for Kennedy, IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE A WINNER, says the media and the exit polls.
The supporters and the staff were stunned, nobody was knowing what to do, Edison called a friend, an expert in constitutional law, in order to solve this question and the answer was loud and clear:" In case of a draw, there will be a second round in two weeks between the two candidates, three weeks only after the first round, with a final debate just before the vote.

Few minutes later Edison himself was reacting live on TV, on these results, he said that this result was totally unexpected, however he affirmed his will to continue the fight until the last day, and promise that the 3 coming weeks are going to be very intense, and that it's the candidate who is the strongest mentally who will win this election. He's however saying he is very satisfied by the result, but he affirms that only a win will satisfy his ambitions and nothing else.

Who will win it, who will win the race to the White House?

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