Emotions roller coaster

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10:30 p.m: rumor enters the internet, it is quickly confirmed by all the medias of the country, and the specter of Edison's death is already beginning to haunt the heads of his supporters. Forthwith the information of Edison's hospitalisation, the media were massing around the hospital waiting for more informations. Moreover some sources claimed that the hospital is about to announce imminently Edison's death, some broadcasting channels even tried to call the hospital to get more information, no answer, some of them also tried to call Edison's family no response too. A total chaos, for everyone, fake news are pouring on the Internet, enough for Edison relatives, who are heading to the hospital in order to support their beloved one

At first, the hospital does not agree to bring the family into the room,but under incredible pressure from the family, the hospital accepts the visit of relatives who access the operating room, and found... NOTHING, the room was empty and Edison wasn't here!! when will this torture end? !!For the family it's too much, Edison's brother Michael was furious:"we aren't playing hide and see with you, this is a life or death case!! Where is he?". On this, the hospital staff points to the door of the right room, they already imagine the corpse of the man who have accomplished so much for the country and humanity, even going so far as to lose contact with his brothers and sisters. Edison was in front of them, unconscious, he was in a deep sleep, his heart rate still seemed stable but still too weak to hope to survive. Furthermore in addition His sister addresses these few words to him: "You will remain forever in our memory, I regret not having been able to spend more time with you, I love you, and I am sure that you will get by" before kissing him and exit the hospital. Further in the morning , people discover with alarm the announcement of the death of Edison, through the account of the party !! Edison's family is furious against Thompson and Zimmerman, Isaac's brother Thomas called Thompson, he answered:" I don't know I think somebody hacked partie's account",the tension was at its peak. And the hospital still hasn't communicated anything, was he in a coma? Unlikely. Is the hospital hiding something ? What is the point?

What is going on within this place which was the center of attention of the world? The nursing assistants entered the room, with amazement, fear, alarm, incomprehension, horror, fear, something that makes you want to cry in distress, something that makes you believe hallucinations are real. Edison was no longer here, we're not talking about his soul, physically he wasn't here, he disappeared. Emergency was decreed in the hospital, trying to find the US President, no trace, no even footprint, the void space, he only left a little message:"I'M GONE".

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