Chapter 1

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On September 11, 2050, in New York, city of all possibilities, the fog settled. You could barely see a few feet away. As emerging from nowhere a man walked out of the fog and navigated his way at ease as if the climatic inconveniences did not have any impact on him. He is wearing special glasses designed by himself. His name is Isaac Edison He prides himself on being one of the most eccentric scientists, widely acclaimed and disparaged at once by his peers. His dream: optimizing the use of intelligence and exploring unreached levels of human knowledge. Today he was overly excited he was heading to test for the first time a formula that increases intelligence He was eager to observe the results of his relentless efforts through the last decade

Isaac Edison left the school at 9 years old who could not integrate with the rest of the students, because of his eccentric, isolated, sometimes even aggressive nature and especially for his poor academic performance at all. Image of the bright future that awaited him.

At the age of 10 he had found a job in his father's library, he took advantage of his breaks to read books of chemistry and physics, but also he was interested in Astronomy.

At the age of 12 he resigned from his post to devote his life to science and managed to invent several machines such as special anti- fog glasses.

So at the age of 15 after 3 years of hard work and testing he creates his first invention, a combination that allows the user to fly without any support. The latter will be sold for 700,000 Dollars.

Thus, he embodied the child who shaped himself alone, left without any help or support and who worked to become one of the symbols of American success.

Good, let's come back on Earth! The mad scientist arrived safely at his prestigious laboratory, Isaac Edison had hired a volunteer for his first experience, and so the latter ingested this mysterious solution.

After the experiment he notices that the man begins to waver in all the directions, the time of a few seconds, before returning to the reason, and in order to test the effects of the increase of the intelligence he asks him to read in his thoughts, and he gave in detail to what the scientist thought with the feelings he felt at that moment.

An indescribable satisfaction invaded him, he had realized his dream and had reached the ultimate goal of his career as a scientist he realized that he has just taken humanity forward a giant step! This invention would make it appear in the history books. It was necessary to put everyone in the know: the public, the media, but also its scientific colleagues. So he decides to invite them all for a historical conference where he will finally share his knowledge.

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