Little parenthesis on psychology

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In order to analyze a person's action, you have to see the events that marked his life, his actions, his successes and failures. because it is all these cumulative actions that lead today to explain what is happening in the brain of a person.
According to Freud the mind is composed of three Levels: Conscious, Unconscious, Subconscious. Conscious constitute your thoughts and perceptions,   the ground floor of human thought, it is logical and reasonable thinking. Unconscious is the domain of memories and knowledge and here we go deeper into the heart of the matter, memory and knowledge is absolutely not the same for everyone, because each person has gone through different stages in his life, has faced different tests, has been raised in a different environment, this explains the diversity of the human species. 

Subconscious, is the hidden part of the iceberg, it constitutes   all that you do not control in your body, your dreams, your emotions, your hidden desires, imagination. It is much more powerful than the conscious mind. That is why Freud said " The ego is not master in its own house". You have certainly made decisions that you do not even understand yourself, you have sometimes obeyed an inhuman inexplicable desire: how to explain the murders, the crimes, the rapes, a very simple explanation: the subconscious took over from the conscious. Where does all this come from, you may wonder ? Again you have to look at the past, experiences or traumas that the person experienced. Keep this in mind: your brain is a sponge any action, event, experience, will remain engraved in your memory, it is to this extent that the subconscious is linked to the unconscious. We can therefore say that , the foundations of your personality are built during childhood and adolescence. 

Why am I talking to you about all this? For a very simple reason, to  learn from edison's psychology. In his childhood, he was very often neglected by his own parents, harassed by pears at school, no one really appreciated him, yet he was idealistic, ambitious, he thought of others first but the others did not think of him.when he tried to socialize, to launch subjects of discussion, either others ignored him, or answered him by monosyllable. Simply put: this man had every reason of rebelling against society, he had experienced trauma, he had no one to confide in. The negative vibes gnawed him. All of these wounds remained embedded in his unconscious, and was able to generate bad temptations in his subconscious. But edison, did not let himself be dominated by his negative desires and emotions, he knew how to make reason prevail over emotion, and his emotions, he made it a strength to fight to the end. So of course he does not forget anything about what he lived, where he came from, his origins, his hard childhood, but instead of rebelling against the society which had reject him, as criminals and terrorists do, he has managed to stand out differently, by dedicating his life to science and people, and becoming a national hero.

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