Edison candidacy

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In the context of pre-presidential election, each candidate announced his candidacy. And to everyone's surprise, Edison is running for president. His candidacy was announced in a meeting that had gathered nearly 1000 people. His poignant speech seduced the fans in the room and some viewers: "Dear citizen, good evening! Good evening to all Americans and all who reside on this floor! It's an honor to see a united and united Washington city! I lived all my childhood, and part of my professional career in this city. And if there is something that has not changed, it is indeed the diversity of the population! Washington is today the ideal portrait of a state that draws its strength and cohesion in its miscegenation. We can not evoke the capital of the United States without speaking of the unbreakable union of communities, because we are all American regardless of our origins, our skin color, our political orientation. My fellow citizens, we have a republican project that focuses on two topics: suburban development, and the development of entrepreneurship and investment. Our suburbs must develop through the housing sector, thousands of Americans are badly housed and believe me we must not look far to find, it is our duty to help them. In the suburbs there is also the lack of education, passport for professional life, many young people do not go to school and just beg for their daily bread, I would make sure to make the voice of our state at this level to convince congresses to have the government act and subsidize our state so that our young people are as likely to succeed as others. We must not forget that we are in a region that is attractive, more and more people invest in our state is a wealth and a plus for our local economy, many companies do not hesitate to establish their headquarters or research center in our state, however many complain about the tax system, or the high cost of the work, it is in this perspective that I propose including a tax reform to encourage entrepreneurship . It is with a heart full of happiness and pride that I announce my candidacy for the post of President of the Republic, this candidacy will not be in the name of the Republican Party, nor in the name of the Democrats but in the name of the people. ! When the nation goes bad it's a united people that needs to be straightened out. For centuries we have been witnessing a ping-pong exchange between these two poles of international politics. But the world is changing, is changing, and consequently new leaders, this renewal is carried by my movement the people's union. Thank you !!!!

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