A turning point in the campaign

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At 1 month of the first round, a beautiful spring day, the staff members are in their usual routine to consult the media, the press, and in the tele newspapers this morning they had only one sentence in their mouth: The scandal Edison . Laura Zimmerman was the first to be informed and went straight to the candidate's office, which presumably appeared in all her states. An electric atmosphere was already installed in the room:

- The media accuse me of everything, they accused me of being a murderer, they destroyed my image by seizing my private life, and now I am accused of what? Sexual assault on minor !! Accuse me of corruption, belonging to a terrorist organization !! It's not acceptable !! Hence, these slanders without foundation or foundation can be published without any scruples or surveillance on the part of press organizations! It's media manipulation, it's not freedom of the press!

- Sir, I can understand your bitterness, your anger, but you are someone intelligent you can very well respond to a polemics that is false, but before that I must know all the truth about this case, what is it? really happened between you and this woman Viktoria Amartino?

- Listen Laura, it was almost 20 years ago already, actually I met this little girl, I was very tactile at the time, I had to make a prying gesture, and she took it as a rape, you realize the bad faith of the media, to release a similar business in the countryside a week of the first round, this case has remained for more than 20 years in the archives to be out in the countryside

- Calm, I'm sure you'll overcome this, you already have to go to the Americans, this week urgement, I'm sure it's a Cruise shot to destabilize the asshole he could not find worse moment

- You were a member of the Republican party, you surely have his number but call it right away !!

- I'll try to call him

She composed the number of Cruise, the tension is at its peak, everyone is waiting for the answer of the candidate of the right. No answer, she tries to text through his voice assistance, still no answer. Edison is decidedly frustrated he is at a point of the first place in the polls and this is a blow that seriously affects the morale of the candidate who believes less than before. Despite everything he remains calm and offers solutions: two tasks to complete this week: First I express myself in front of the Americans and secondly we must go to the headquarters of the media that first revealed the info, who is he ?

- This is the Los Angeles Today

- OK we will send the press release down

- It's not possible he has a press point this afternoon! You will not delegate that! This point can change your campaign

- I have my little idea behind the head ...

- What is this idea I would like to know

- The teleportation

- Did you invent a teleporter? Why did not you tell me earlier!

- The problem is that this machine is not developed ... I realized a battery of tests on it, the success rate was 60% There is a real risk of failure

Laura approaches him and the shoulder saying to him:

- It's worth trying you are a great inventor, you went from shadow to light, I trust you. Are you sure you still have it?

- Yes, but we have to redo tests

- OK I'll be your guinea pig

- You like to take risks

-It is better to risk the risk of failure than not to attempt anything at all.

- Okay, my laboratory direction

They go down into the basement of the campaign headquarters, Edison asks Laura before opening the door of the lab is stopped by Edison:

- Laura this room is top secret what you will see now stay between us, you say nothing! I can trust you ?

- Yes you can trust me I know how to keep a secret

- He opens the door of his laboratory under the eyes of Zimmerman amazed: I thought you had stopped your research and abandoned science ...

- No, I've never stopped every night I'm dedicated to science and experiments. This is my passion. And here is the machine

- Impressive !!

- We will test it first on small distances then we will lengthen the distance. Enter the machine I'll teleport you to my office and call me when you arrive

-It works

The suspense is at its height Laura risk her life? Or is it his blind trust in Edison that drives him to try this bet?

Laura breaks into the machine and in a cloud of smoke she disappears Edison worries: did he succeed at this moment Laura calls him informing him that he has succeeded. Edison believes it again, he can achieve an improbable feat, he just has to do other tests

In an hour he passes 10 series of tests to Laura all conclusive

Around 11:30 am Edison calls his press officer to share his mission but he is much more dubious:

- I'm not sure it's a good idea

- I understand your fears but you have to take risks in life

- What if I do not come back? Already my family is worried about the place I give to my work in my life

- Ah, it's good !! I am coming with you ! Exclaim Laura

"Are you sure  Laura? Who will replace you

- Ask Thompson to replace me for the time

- I will ask him. So you remember how to come back?

- Yes we go back to the software then press the return button by carefully specifying the address answers the press officer

- I trust you ! Jack you go you get as much information as possible about the sources of the accusation is it clear?

- Yes sir

- Perfect ! now go there and come back no later than 3 pm so that you can prepare the press conference well

At the end of an incredible exchange the hope returns, the glow shines again but will the public forgive a candidate, former criminal assumes a new wrong judicial step?

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