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Female, random idea...hope you like it(*﹏*;)

Never ever you're going to have your soulmate would be same gender as you. That thing - she - disgusts you to the core as well you're disgusted of her existence. Same gender as soulmate never cross in your mind... Not even once. Especially her to be your soulmate.

"Why... Why must be you, pabo", she screamed while pulling her hair out of frustration.

"Hey! That's my line", you hide your face after you get 'zing' with her. You are afraid you would get the butterflies when your eyes met hers.

"I don't like you, Y/n", she said as she stomped her feet.

"Well, the feelings are mutual. I don't like you either, Kim Dahyun", you said, coldly.

Why must be her when I try my best not to meet her after what happened between us with her ex.

Dahyun fanning herself with her hands to calm down her nerves. She still couldn't believe the girl who her ex cheat with is her soulmate for lifetime.

"We're not going to meet each other unless it's something important", Dahyun said with her eyes scanning you.

You felt her eyes and unknowingly, something inside you told you to nod which you did that.

"Good", Dahyun said then left you there alone.

You paid attention to her footsteps that slowly fading away and finally, your hands dropped down to either of your sides.

You inhaled a very deep one to calm your wavering heart that react differently from your brain. Your brain dislikes Kim Dahyun but your heart -

"Stupid heart! Why you have to like her. Don't you know we're in bad terms after that incident", you mumbled as you hit your chest a few times.



That day...

It was chaotic afternoon when Minatozaki Sana ran into you with begging eyes to bring her with you to your place.

You - being you - didn't question anything to her, you just agreed to bring her obediently since she's someone you care more than everything after you moved out from your family's house.

"Sana-yah, where's your girlfriend?", you asked after being silent too long in the car ride.

"Hyunnie is busy and I want to spend my time with you... Is that wrong?", she glanced at you with her glassy eyes.

Somehow that made you felt guilty and you didn't want to question her more after seeing her eyes bringing out sadness in it.

When you parked the car, that's where everything went wrong...

Sana held your hand that was on the handbrake and gaze at you that you can't read what's going in her mind.

"Y/n", Sana softly called your name.

"... Yes?", you squeaked and squirmed in your driver's seat when she goes near for your ear.

"Can we...?", Sana breathed to your now red ear.

"N-no... Dahyun will -"

Her finger went shut your lips.

"She won't know"

You felt like you were tearing into two pieces as your brain wrecked some reasons not to give in into her plea no matter what.... But that's...

"...please...", Sana begged then pecking your ear and nibbling your earlobe just to shake your beast to get berserk on her.

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