It feels like... pt2

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5 years had passed, and it felt like nothing but an eternity of dullness looping in my cycle of life. I think it was all because of my shut-in attitude that I get disinterested overall interesting things that were presented to me.

I thought today, this Tuesday, was gonna be another dull day for me but no! Seems like a Devil planned something for me – yes, a Devil not God because there's no way in the hell I am seeing Kim Dahyun right now.

"Ah – "

"Oh? Y/n!"

'Shit ... I thought she was an illusion '

I turned around and left the spot instantly before I could hear another word from her.






I huffed and puffed while trying to secure back my breath as I wiped off the sweat forming on my forehead.

'Eish ... It makes my hair sticky'

I lean my back against the brick wall, tilting my head slightly as I finally could get relaxed.

I thought it was over after being followed and chased for hours but damn, Kim Dahyun is still here and she managed to stop me from running away.

"You're still the same. So persistent", I huffed in tiredness.

We both get bathed in our sweats and damn, it's so uncomfortable.

"Why did you run away?", she panted.

I frowned, "I – We don't have anything to talk about", I said.

"That's your opinion. Not mine. I have something to say", she said.


I ended up stuck with her in her empty house.

"I am moving out from here", she spoke for the first time after we were in here for an hour in silence.

I wasn't planning to comment on anything but my mouth slipped out a word before my brain could process a thing to react.


"I... We are going to divorce after all the affairs are settled in the court", she said.

I whipped my head to look at her. It's surprising to know that when she's opposite in her social media; happy and carefree.


"Forget about that, how are you doing?", she asked, gently pushing her lips upward.

"To be honest, I'm not okay. I try to live up my life in happiness but only gets me dull", I sighed.

Dahyun stared at me for a while, "... do you want to drink? I still have a few bottles to drink up before I'm leaving this place", she asked, walking away to the kitchen and going for the drawer.







"Gosh, if I had known you're the type to pass out, I won't have a drink with you", I groaned as I carried her on my back to bring her to her bedroom. I carefully bring her down on her bed. I let myself take in the empty-decorated room before lowering my eyes on passed-out Dahyun.

She's still sleeping despite I accidentally got her feet hit on the doorframe. I lay her down on the single bed, carefully.

"She's going to leave this place", I muttered.

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