U're jealous (*>.<*)

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Male reader × Kim Dahyun

"Y/n-chan!!!", Momo threw her body to you when Dahyun brought you to their dorm for the third.

Momo hugs you like a bear hug, squeezing you. And accidently gets you feel her chest on you...

"Yah, let go of him", the others came to the rescue, pulling her away.

Your ears red and Dahyun, she laughed seeing your red ears.


You're back hugging your girlfriend when her eyes were glued to the book, you don't know what she's reading on 'cause you're not interested in reading some thick book. Right when your nose nuzzling softly over her neck, someone... Or more likely to say it's the maknae called her name...

Dahyun leave the room to get in the shared room with the other two maknaes after whispering and pecking your lips.

A second she left the couch she's sitting on, another member, also your bestfriend, Nayeon, occupied the seat.

You and her started to talk about some new dramas with her.

You're okay with Nayeon whenever she did a skinship to you.

"Babe", Nayeon called.


"You're getting muscular... Are you working out?"


Nayeon planted a kiss on your clothed shoulder and unfortunately, Dahyun saw that.

"What the hell are you doing with my Y/n", she said, calmly. But her eyes telling the other way...

You can see jealousy in her eyes.

"Bonding time with my best friend?", Nayeon said innocently.

"Bonding with kissing???"


"Babe, you're jealous?", you smirked when her face flushed, "N-no..."

"Oh really?"

Nayeon noticed your plan and decides to play along with you.

Dahyun stiffens up when Nayeon gave a peck on your cheek.

"Y-you just let her doing that!!?"


Dahyun narrowed her eyes and left the room to the kitchen, probably ready to kill you this night with her lips.

"Did I?", you asked her.

"I think yes. Go talk to her before she's turning into an eagle"

"I will... "


You saw her back and silently hugging her from the back, placing your chin on her shoulder.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with Nayeon unnie?", she said.

Yep, she's jealous now...

You chuckled, "You want me to get back to her?", you asked.

When you're pulling yourself away from her, Dahyun immediately turning around.

Dahyun engulfing you with a tight hug.

"I know you're jealous, cutie", you chuckled when she buries her head more to your chest.

"... Don't do that again with her or other girls... ", she mumbled.


You didn't hear her clearly and when she looked at you, her hands wrapped around your neck, pulling you down to her, crashing her lips.

You're shocked by her sudden kiss but then replied her back when you're recovering from your shockness...

You can feel the jealousy in her kiss and you let her dominating you as she nibbles your bottom lip,  which you granted her an access to let her slipping in her tongue.

You only break it away when her hands snaking in your shirts.

"B-babe, stop", you whispered, holding her hands, earning a whimper from her.


"You're not thinking clearly, plus you're not ready for it", you told her, pulling down her hands from your body.

"I AM thinking clearly and ready doing it", you smirked.

Your hands pulled her closer to you, teasing her with your hands inside her shirts on her back. She let out a yelp when your hands traveling up to her bra.

"Yah... "

"You're not ready, kiddo", you pushed out your tongue, teasing her.

"Yah! I'm not a kid!!", you pull down your hands from her.

"Yes you are"

"No I am - !!"

You shut her with a kiss but it's only lasted for a minute.

"Don't force yourself if you're not ready, babe", you whispered, leaving her alone all red when she realised what she'd been trying to do with you.

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