29| i suppose we're really just friends now

Start from the beginning

"I'm, I'm hosting a party... a bacon party."

"Dear lord, he really screwed you up, huh!" Miles laughed loudly and jumped on my bed next to me. He was wearing his usual black jeans paired with his usual black leather jacket, a white tee underneath.

"Matt told you guys?" Al layed down on the edge of my bed, his head dangling down from the corner. It was odd seeing him back in my room, considering what happened the last time he was here. Everything in my room had remained the complete same, but Al and I were now completely different. Miles took his leather jacket off and threw it to the chair in the corner of my room.

"He called me an hour ago, told me everything. Damn Tal, d'you repel guys or something?" He said through a smirk. I reply with a small chuckle. Al pushes himself on his elbows and looks my way.

"The girl he was shagging wasn't even close to you, Tal. All stick-like. Ugh!" He groaned in disgust, plopping his head down on the bed again. It was now that I notice what he was wearing; a short-sleeved(rolled up a little to expose his biceps) pinkish red shirt with the top buttons unbuttoned as usual.

"Ironic since all your current and previous girlfriend are all models, Al!" I joke, throwing a pillow his way. He catches it just in time and hugs it to his chest.

"Yeah well, at least they aren't related to the Kardashians aight."

We share a laugh.

"You know, I thought things were finally getting better. Like, shit, I finally got you guys back. And on the same exact night, suddenly everything just took 15 steps back. WHAT A CRUEL WORLD!" I yell mellow dramatically, throwing my head onto Miles' shoulders. He leans his head on mine and pulls me into a side hug.

"Fuck him, Tal! Fuck it all! You're better off anyw-" He pulls away from the hug and pushes me away.

"You haven't showered in two days."

I puckered my lips together and directed my attention to my hands, slightly embarrassed. Laughter still escaped my lips though.

"You know me too well bitch." I laugh.

"Oh my god, I thought it was those scented candles that smelled weird!" Alex jolted up laughing hysterically. "Damn, Tal, you need a shower!"

"What?! Do I really smell that bad?!" I laugh loudly.

"No, I'm kind of used to weird smells. Waking up after 2 days of straight clubbing doesn't leave you with the best stench. But girlll, damn you gonna get to that level if you don't get your arse in the shower!" Miles teases.

"Yes! Please get her to shower!" Rhea yells from her room.

After Al and Miles' continuous comments of my body odor, I finally give in and take a shower, leaving the two English lads in my room with The Strokes vinyl playing. I make sure to clean myself thoroughly and even wash my hair despite my laziness to having to dry it. Stepping out of the bathroom in only my towel, I casually enter my room again to find Alex and Miles casually talking. They're eyes went to my direction and immediately they jolted away.

"You two act like you haven't seen any of this." I tease as I open a drawer and put on a pair of underwear. They both try to focus on any inanimate object in my room.

"Oh yeah that's true." Miles chuckles and spins around to check me out. I put on a pair of short adidas. "Perv." I joke.

Miles and Al kept me company for an hour or so, we talked about so much. Miles' new girl, Alex' new girl, the new album their working on together, plans we made to go bowling with the rest of the guys. Miles fell asleep, his arms hugging my body close to his. This wasn't a weird position for us, trust me.

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