3| D is for dick

704 21 15

Song title from:
D is for Dangerous

June 22nd, 2011

The next day after Johns call, I was told to go to an address not far from where we were filming, and the timing could not be more perfect, I had the day off because the whole day was going to be used to film Leonard, John and Micheals big sword fight.

As I made my way up to the small building I was addressed to, I couldn't help but have many doubts about whether this band was actually legit or not.

Their meeting places don't seem like it.

I make my way in through the dirty glass doors and a woman behind a desk immediately rushes me to go upstairs, stating that I was already 10 minutes late, not too bad for my record but bad enough for professional associations.

I did what was told and went up a flight of stairs, managing to get to the third floor after finding the second floor empty and uninhabited, although it had the look and stench of a zoo. As I dragged my feet up the last fleet of stairs to reach the third floor, I rest my hands on my knees and over dramatically take big gasps of air.

"Alright there, gal?"

A deep voice with a thick accent from God knows where emerges from across the room. I lift up my head and ultimately fix my posture, fixing my hair along with it as to look more sophisticated and professional than I actually am. My eyes drift to every pair of eyes in the room.

There were 5 pairs- all looking at me.

4 pairs belonging to 4 young, but I'm assuming, slightly older than me, admittedly good looking fellas, the last pair belonging to an older looking man sitting across the 4 young and admittedly good looking fellas that were seated on a ripped brown leather couch, the older man wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses sitting on the edge of his nose, threatening to fall off any second.

I just stare at them from not knowing what to do and immediately regret acting so dramatic when I reached the third floor.

"Uh, yeah, I just, I have low-blood sugar so, I get tired fast, yanno. And those stairs, wow they are just like very, very steep."

I wasn't totally lying, my grandparents had low-blood sugar so I most likely have it as well, I just don't know for sure yet. And those stairs really were steep. God this is humiliating.

The 5 pair of eyes stare at me in amusement.

"It's alright there, love. Take a seat. D'you need a glass of water or something?"

Asks the older man sitting across the younger lot.

"No, it's no bother really, sitting down really does the job."

I say as I take a seat next to the older man, the 4 pair of eyes belonging to the young lot following every move I make.

"Lying down probably helps more."
The same guy who asked me if I was alright says.

"Down lad, she's just got here."
Says the guy on the right of him, obviously amused by his friends flirting.

"So, before we start, lets introduce ourselves, yeah? Uh, my names Tim, I'm directing the video."

Tim introduces himself, offering me a hand which I shake with a smile.

"My name's Matt. I'm totally single by the way, just recently got my heart broken."

Matt, who turned out to be the one that had asked me if I was alright or not, pulled my hand into a soft handshake. Matt had this odd attractiveness to him, at the moment he looked innocent and boyish as he smiled, but when I came in and scanned through their faces, his stuck out the most as intimidating. His hair was short and his teeth were crooked in some parts but weren't so visible except when he smiled. He still looked handsome.

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