7| you sexy little lass

528 20 5

Song title from:
Dancing shoes

March 5th, 2012
10:27 a.m.

I wake up and immediately feel the aftermath of last nights alcoholic beverages, sitting up, I regret the decision and lay back down, but I couldn't help feel cold and exposed.

Putting a hand on my chest, I feel no trace of fabric anywhere on me. No wonder I feel cold and exposed, I'm completely fucking naked.

Oh God. Don't let there be anyone beside me.

I open my eyes for the first time and take a moment to fix my blurred vision, after giving up to do so and let my curiosity get to me, I turn my head to the other side of the King bed and, un-shockingly, find a man laying there, wrapped up like a burrito with the blanket, covering his head and face while at it. What a prick, I'm freezing.

I recall flirting with Alex and Matt last night. Maybe I bed one of them? Or maybe I bed that cute bellhop? He brought up my suitcases the first day I arrived here and smiled at me. But what if it was Miles? Oh, that would just ruin our whole foundation of friendship we had built.

For fucks sake I'll just pull the blanket off him.

As I attempt to do so, sitting up and brushing my hair a little (just in case he wakes up, don't want to scare him to death), the room door opens to reveal a smiling Miles, and before I could even note what he was wearing we both scream in shock. I look around for some fabric to cover myself up and cursed the man/woman (who knows?) wrapped like a burrito hogging the blanket. Miles quickly closes the door as abruptly as when he opened it.

Great, my breasts aren't the only private parts of mine he's seen.

I look over to the wrapped burrito beside me and thank God he/she didn't wake up. Getting up from the bed, I walk around the room looking for last nights dress but end up with the somewhat sheer bed cloth that were inside the blankets. My suitcase was locked and for the sake of me I couldn't remember where I had placed the keys. I wrap the bed cloth around my body in an attempt to cover up.

Stepping outside of the room quietly, I can hear Miles in the kitchen, panting and rustling about.


"In here, love."

Entering the kitchen, Miles' small frame comes to view as he leans over the small rectangular kitchen island, sipping what I assume is a cup of coffee from the strong stench filling the room.

"Miles, I know this is odd and all and you just saw me full on naked like, really really naked but I need your help-"

"Really naked indeed. I predicted you would have a tiny mole on your breast. All the wild ones do."

He looks at me with a seductive grin plastered on his face. I hug the bed cloth closer to me.


"I'm just joking, love! Not really, but still. I'm a fucking genius, you know that? I knew it all along. From the moment you two met and all those bloody stories he told me about how you would call him crying in the middle of the night and him comforting you all those times, even if he was exhausted after a concert that night. Bloody surprised this is the first time you two shagged actually, I would've thought he had flown you out here just to do it. You were right with what you said last night though, he really is husband material."

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