1| quit it and see

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Everything I write is completely fictional. Don't sue me. And if you're looking/expecting detailed sex here, go away lol. I'm not talented in that program but I support it! lmao. Besides, can you imagine what my parents would do if they found out their 16 y/o daughter was writing an erotic story? HAHAHA

Song title from:
Suck it and see


I, your friendly narrator that will most likely accompany you along these words, am named Talaska Francesca Cierra. I am 20 years of age and my occupation; a little mix of everything that involves with being famous. Acting, which is my biggest income, modeling, something I loathe to do yet have to put up with stating that I have cameras around me 24/7, and a little bit of singing. No, I'm not a singer, I'm not talented to the extent that people would actually waste their money to listen to me, besides, an awkward person on a mic wouldn't be a great concert, huh?

I started acting when I was 15, auditioning for a teen musical tv show called 'Glee' behind my parents back, only to tell them about it when I was actually cast, which was months after sneaking out to go to more auditions and table reads for the show before and after school, sometimes during. Skipping school was a great talent of mine.

Everyone else on set were very much older than I was, so naturally during the first couple of weeks of filming consisted of me being awkward and coy in the background on set, which was a pretty ironic because I was playing this bitchy cheerleader. Most of my costars were in their 20's and looked like it, excluding Leia Michelle who looked like an actual 2000's teenager with all the hair accessories she wore. Not bashing, just stating.

After a while, I got used to the cast members and often joined in on conversations, just to make it seem like I wasn't some stuck up brat who wanted nothing to do with them, which I was. But along the way the nature of the show caused me to grow up way faster than I should have.

I continued to be on the show for 3 seasons before dropping it to try and do other projects. By then I was 19, and was known as the girl that let the Glee cast down by not continuing with the big concert tour and not signing on to another season of the show, the scriptwriters loathed me as they had already made detailed plans for my role in the next season.

Honest, the whole concert thing was a bit much for me. Filming a show with them on set 5 days a week was one thing but seeing and hearing their faces and voices everyday on the road was another. I had a good number of role offers on the table when I left, so I felt very secure with my future. The other cast members of 'glee', weren't very glee when I told them about my refusing to sign the contract that extended my stay with them, causing the writers to have to change the storyline that the show was headed to for season 4. I'm not quite sure I'm on good terms with Ryan Murphy till this day.

And so I left the show with a grin on my face and a sense of security and assurance that I wouldn't end up as one of those forgotten one-time-hit celebrities that waste away their days doing God knows what after their couple minutes of fame. Like Paris Hilton, how and who is she doing these days? I doubt anyone will know the answer.

I really have to stop dropping names or else I'll find my twitter bombarded with unkind remarks or as the internet likes to call it; roasts.

I spent a couple of weeks doing exactly what I swore not to do; waste away my days doing God knows what, after I was given the taste of a tiny spoonful of fame, and I was starting to debate whether or not I should just hit up Ryan Murphy and beg for my part back, apologizing that for even a second I had the thought that there were even bigger opportunities out there than his beloved show.

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