44| when you said I don't love you, I clearly do

265 12 14


Song title from:
Mardy Bum

Talaska arrived back at her apartment around five past 6, way later than necessary.

She had deliberately drove around the nearly empty streets of LA, trying to get her mind off the whole mornings ordeal and the fact that she will soon be welcomed into an empty apartment. She stared around the few trees at the sides of the roads and thought that she would like to garden once she builds that house existing in her head . She passed by that one sandwich joint her and Robert are so fond of and for a split second contemplated on buying one for him, then remembered he'd left- no, she had left.

Everything was better than fine between the two. But as per usual, Talaska had to ruin it all, at least that's what she thought as she drove her car around the cities' bends and twists.

But when she entered her apartment, she found Robert sitting on the tacky red leather couch everyone except Talaska seemed to despise so much. Robert didn't look up upon her entrance, and instead brought the end of a cigarette to his lips and inhaled, exhaling after for what felt like a whole 3 minutes to Talaska. She smiled at the sight of him, but her eyebrows dipped down in concern.

"You're smoking again?"
At first, it felt like the words got caught up in her throat, but she swallowed her saliva along with her anxiousness and forced herself to speak.

Robert leaned down and connected his elbows with his knees, a free hand gliding across his head, then stopping abruptly as if remembering he was still slightly bald.

"Fits the occasion."
He simply replied.

Talaska stood at the entrance of her small apartment, glad that Rhea has long since moved out to live with her boyfriend. Robert and her practically loved together but switched between her place and his 1940 square foot mansion. She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable it would be if Rhea had suddenly walked into the living room to rummage through the kitchen drawers for breakfast.

"Don't worry. I've only come here to fetch Tom."

If it weren't for Robert bringing up his name, Talaska wouldn't even have remembered that Tom was full on passed out on her couch, just beside Robert but out of her view point.

As Robert stood up and attempted to lift up his bestfriend off the couch with much eagerness to flee the apartment, his significant other remained standing where she had from the beginning, wondering whether or not to offer some help or voice out the early mornings happenings with Alex at the diner. After a minute or so they realized that Robert was in no fit condition to lift nor carry the 165 pound man.

"Your hangover's probably killing you. I'll pour you a coffee."

The last bit came out as more of a question.

"I don't want one."
Robert answered rather stubbornly. Talaska made her way to the kitchen anyway and whipped out a mug. Through the opening where the kitchen looks through the living room, Talaska stole a few glances at Roberts way, but he didn't do the same to her dismay.

"Here." She placed the mug on the small coffee table right in front of Robert, and finally for the first time since her arrival he looked up at her and mumbled a 'thanks', before hesitantly picking up the mug and taking a sip. Talaska felt herself looming, and decided that she would sit on the carpet adjacent to Robert, it was the best option for the leather recliner was too far from him and the empty space beside him too near.

As she adjusted her sitting position, Robert felt it rude for him to be sat above her and decided to slide down with the mug in hand, plopping himself up against the couch he was sat on before. Robert sipped the hot coffee and Talaska stared around the apartment walls, of course there was nothing new to them but there wasn't anything else to do. In awkward silence, Talaska twirled her fingers along the carpet surface and found ashy remnants from Roberts previous cigarette.

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