13| see what you've done?

495 18 18

Song title from:
Leave before the lights come on

March 11th, 2012
02:02 a.m.

It's been around 15 minutes more or less since Alex and I tried to go to sleep, and from Alex's constant shifting and exasperated breaths, he was nowhere near to sleeping like myself.

"Stt, Talaska? You awake, love?"

I pull the blanket over my feet and answer with an annoyed groan. Truth be told, I want him to annoy me, it would be a pleasure to be annoyed by Alex Turner, wouldn't it?

"Oh thank god, I thought you were dead."

My back was facing him so I couldn't make out what he was doing, but from the sounds of it he plopped himself back onto his pillow.


"You were hiding every inch of yourself with the blanket. Thought you suffocated long before."

"And, you just,, left me?"

"Git, imagine pulling the blankets up and seeing a dead girl."

"Good point. Now shut up."

I shift myself as to face the ceiling. From the corner of my eye I can see Alex rub his face with both palms and bring it under his head.

Oh to be those palms.

We both stayed like that for a while. Both just staring at the ceiling and lost in our own thoughts and rumination.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have drank so much."

He chuckles and raises a hand to his face again, this time rubbing the insides of his eyes.

"You really really shouldn't have."

I answer back in an irritated voice. He directs his look to me and furrows his eyebrows.

"What'd you mean?"

"You were a complete dick."

"To whom, exactly? I didn't say anything rude about your necklace all night!"

"What? What was wrong with my necklace?"

"Nothing, it was a bit, no forget it, what did I say this time?"

"Not to me. Harry."

"Ahh, that lad. The Harry fucking Styles."

I shake my head and direct my focus to the ceiling again, there's a spider. Lets hope it lays its eggs in Alex' mouth tonight.

"Well, in my defense he was feeling you up too much."

"Literally the only time we touched was when we shook hands."

He took his time to arrange his words, something I notice he does quite often, either that or mumble to the point no one knows what he's saying.

"Well, yeah, I meant he was feelin' you up with his eyes."

"Then I'm flattered."

"Ewh! Isn't he like what, 10 years younger than you?"


He lets out a scratchy and hysterical laugh, trying to respond in between but doesn't manage to do so, I join in on the laughter but more by the fact his laugh is just absolutely adorable and radiating. After our laughs tire down and we're left looking at the ceiling, smiles plastered on our faces, Alex speaks up again.

"I'm sorry, though. I'm a bit of an embarrassment when drunk, huh?"

"You're Lindsay Lohan when you're drunk."

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