22| on the run from the angry grandpa

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Song title from:
On The Run From The MI5

Friday, 17th May 2013
14:55 p.m.

Talaska's POV

It was finally the day of Harry and I's date. Ever since our call, we exchanged quite a lot of text messages but since he was so busy being on tour his replies would be a lot more later than mine. It was fine though cause he always made it up by sparing me a half hour to call before he went to sleep. Because of the time differences however, he would sometimes call when I was dead asleep or in the middle of an interview or audition or anything job-related.

I feel excited to finally just get out there and not let Alex fill my head too much. It was obvious he didn't waste another second on me, all those paparazzi pictures of him and Arielle prove so.

Looking into the long mirror placed against my bedroom wall, I stare at my reflection and question whether or not I should change my attire for the millionth time or not. As I go on a debate with myself, the apartment doorbell rang and my heart skipped a beat from the sudden sound.

Skipping out of my bedroom, I rush to open the door and find a very well-dressed Harry in the hallway. He kept things casual with a simple black tee and dark jeans, topped off with a pair of short light brown boots. His hair wasn't at all greased up in hair gel, instead he let its natural curls spring about his head, but with a little bit of guidance from himself.

Suddenly, I felt as if I had to change into some ridiculously extravagant and expensive dress just in order to get to the same level as him.

He smiled cheekily and tiny dimples formed on his cheeks.

"Hello, love. You look beautiful."

He thinks differently, I guess. I reply with a shy 'thank you' as he pulls me in for a friendly hug.

Just from the way he looked me over and told me I was beautiful, made me more confident in what I was wearing- which was a very tentative outfit. A flowy light brown plaid skirt that stopped in the middle of my calf, paired with a perfect-fitted sweater and short heels.

We were still uncertain of where we wanted to go the last time we talked, so I had to make the outfit I was wearing perfect for any setting. A walk in the park, a dinner at a fancy restaurant, a casual movie night at a cinema, etc.

"You know I thought I had the wrong apartment cause there was um, this shirtless guy eating raisins out of a bucket in the lobby."

I laugh at his confusion as I lead him into the living room.

"Oh, that's just Bart. He does that every Friday afternoons, I don't dare ask why."

He lets out a laugh and I silently congratulate myself on it.

"I kind of envisioned you living in a glorious penthouse. You know, the kinds that overlook the whole city and stuff."

He smiles as he takes a look around the art that was messily painted or taped on to the walls of the apartment.

"No, it's hard to live in places like that. All the cleaning and walking you have to do to get from one place to the other."

"D'you live here alone?"

He directs his attention to me.

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