58| ain't it just like you to kiss me

262 11 36

This ended up being wayyy longer than I thought it would be. LOLL SORRYYY! Have funn readingg🙄

Song title from:
I want it all

The human brain is a symmetrical hemisphere with a split right down the middle, compromised of different parts holding its own specified use and functions. The most common belief being that the left side of the brain is for logical thinking, while the right for creativity.

According to some studies, the right brain might just be the sexy hemisphere- lighting up profoundly when engaged in sexual pleasure or during an orgasm.

Though the left hemisphere is considerably the province of pleasure, it seems to be more active in pleasure of emotion rather than sexual- recalling happy memories, meditating on love, and so forth.

So to put it simply, if you were being fucked by some guy you'd just met at some bar with no intention of pursuing a relationship beyond a one time thing, then it's likely that only your right brain is being lit up.

But if it was with someone you shared at least one fond memory with or maybe someone you loved, then most likely both sides of your brain is being lit up, because you're not only under sexual pleasure but emotional pleasure as well. Capeesh?

Now the question is, how long can a person go fucking another person, without lighting the left hemisphere?

"I'm flabbergasted! So,,, you two?.. What the actual fuck? Care to explain yourselves?"

Miles stared at the two people sat on the bed, semi naked and looking quite guilty. They shared a look before compliantly fulfilling their friends wish.

The day after New Years, Alex had woken up in a room that wasn't his own though the fact of it hadn't bothered him much. Really, if there was a possibility of his own apartment unit combusting into flames with the guaranteed protection and safety of the other tenants in the building- he'd be more than glad to stick around and watch it burn. Smoke a cigarette while at it for theatrical appeal. But alas, that type of scenario and justice seemed to only be portrayed in the fictional world of his favorite old-timey movies.

So with the small amount of clarity he had, he got up from the bed, leaving a still Talaska asleep with a dip beside her where he had previously lain. Not long after she arose as well, forgetting momentarily the events of last nights awful revelations and Alex's recoiling reaction to its disclosure- and after a few seconds of registering that it hadn't been a fever dream, she extended an arm to where he had fallen asleep beside her the night before, but felt only a warm mattress.

A small groan coming from outside the bedroom signaled his presence and she made way to greet it. He was at the kitchen, laying out lasagna sheets in a glass dish when she approached him.

"Morning love." It was 1 p.m.

"Kid started crying sometime ago, didn't wanna wake you, and I reckoned he was just hungry so I gave him some of your milk from the fridge. Ah, don't worry I warmed it up." He said before she could protest. The last thing she wanted him to feel at that moment was that he was right about what he had said during their fight; that he was just a stand-in for Rob. She didn't want to add on his pain in any way. "Then he got all fussy so I fed him some apple sauce. Then he got fussy again, smelt his bum and knew he took a shat so I changed his diapers. We played for some time. He's been out like a light ever since."

How long has she been asleep?

Completely different than how he was a few days back -complaining about being present in Kid's life and being with her for most of it- now he was saying and doing it all with a smile on his face. As if he hadn't said what he had said and she hadn't said what she had said.

Despair In The Apartment LoungeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz