18| i just wanna be yours

405 11 23

Song title from:
I wanna be yours

December 23rd, 2012
19:50 p.m.

Waking up beside Alex was the highlight of my day, and so far it's been hell of a good day. I woke up and dodged a kiss from Alex, morning breath as an excuse. We woke up around 2-ish with a pretty mediocre hangover, painful nevertheless- but it started to fade around 4. We went out to a small diner for a late breakfast, I ordering a stack of pancakes and him a plate of waffles. We bantered a bit about which was better for a good quarter of an hour, he stated defeat, knowing full well I wasn't going to back down.

Going back to my apartment with full stomachs, Miles called and asked to come over, he arrived wearing a red jumpsuit with a pair of dark sunglasses sliding down his nose. Clearly, he was still going through a banger hangover and possibly, alcohol poisoning, so I decided to be generous and gave him the pancakes I ordered at the diner for my late night craving sessions.

Currently, the 3 of us are now sat in my living room, all sober and abstinent, with Miles sat on the single leather chair alone while Al and I 'cuddle' on the long red couch. Miles eyes the two of us with disgust as he strums the guitar strings on his lap. The three of us had been talking about all the crazy shit their fans have done, and so far, there weren't many of them.

"That's it? That isn't even remotely crazy!"

I say as I watch a video of a 2006 Alex Turner calling out someone from the audience after they throw a can at him.

"It isn't crazy but it's fuckin' rude! Like who does that?"

Alex grabs his phone from my hands, offended.

"Um. Everyone that goes to a rock concert! That's hardly anything! Like, for example, okay, I once had a stalker that drew, what he imagined, my boobs look like, and he used to send them to me every fucking week. For a year. Along with love letters. That's crazy."

"Fuck did you do then?"

Alex pushes himself off of me in shock, his eyes wide and his lips parted. A part of me was disappointed that his shoulders weren't leaning against mine, no skin contact shared between us anymore.

"A couple of days after 'Romeo and Juliet' was released, I got another letter from him saying that it was his last cause he had now known what they actually look like."

"I reckon he wasn't disappointed, hm?"

"Shut up, perv."

Alex leans his weight on my side again as a tease, causing me to tilt a bit into the couches cushions.

"D'you prefer I say he was disappointed?"

Alex asks, his face inching closer and closer to mine, his nose flaring in amusement to my annoyance. The silly side of Alex Turner was by far the best, but sometimes he would act so odd to the point of not looking normal anymore.

"Actually, I prefer you don't say or comment anything about my melons."

I say as my face inches closer to his, with his nose still flaring and now his jaw flexing to the sides. What is he doing.

"That'd be too hard, darling."

He says as he leans his forehead on mine, face still painted on with an odd expression that changes faster than I change moods. He pushes his forehead hard against mine and lets out a growl, causing me to back away and look at him weirdly. He just smiles a cheeky grin.

"I'm a bull."

Oh, if only fangirls knew this side of him.

Miles gags from our right as he looks at us.

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