6| my friend fancies you

615 22 39

Song title from:
Leave before the lights come on

March 5th, 2012
00:03 a.m.

"You still have the camera?! It's been so long since I've watched the videos,,, gimme!"

Miles exclaims as I pull out a small video camera out of a gym bag I had brought and hidden at the premiere, laying it on the table before Miles grabs it and tries to turn it on.

"Me too! I filmed the set in LA for the new movie I was shooting and I was going to show it to you along with the old videos but the fucking rain drenched the bag and it's probably destroyed now."

I say sadly. Miles looks at me with his mouth wide open.

"Don't worry though! I moved our videos on to my laptop already. The recent ones are long gone though."

"You idiot, you're lucky you were smart enough to move the videos first. I would have killed you if they vanished."

Matt says as he ruffles my wet hair and gives my head a slight push.

"What's so important about the videos anyway?"

Alex chimes in as he takes a swig at his 6th beer. Maybe 10th. I've lost count.

"The videos are from one of the best nights of our lives! Means a big deal to us. It was a crazy night and Talaska almost slept with-"

Miles answers, starting to tell Alex all about that night. I interrupted him right before he could even finish a sentence.

"No! That night,,, shall never be recalled on!"

I say as I lean across the table to try and shut him up, losing my balance in the process and sway from left to right a bit. Maybe I'm more tipsy than I think.

"You're just embarrassed you almost slept with-"


I say as I jump on the table and cover his mouth with my hands.

"Alright, alright, Talaska! Stop,,, get, get off, love! Your hands aren't clean!"


He says laughing nervously, pushing my hands away.

I fall back in my seat and lean back in on Matts body again. He smells good.

"I think it's time to go now, love. You're a bit out of it now."

Matt whispers in my hair. I look at the other two boys sat across from us and realize, they weren't even as drunk as I was. Tipsy, yes. But they could probably drive a truck and be fine. I look up at Matt and squinted my eyes.

"You're not drunk."

"No, I am not."


"Designated walker."

"What? Desig-desinga-designated? Wa-wanker?"

I ask with my eyes still squinted shut. I didn't hear him right, and although I knew he didn't say 'designated wanker', I just wanted to make him laugh. I was given the results I wanted as Matt, and the other two erupted in laughter.

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