12| sleeping next to me

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Song title from:
Standing next to me

March 11th, 2012
01:58 a.m.

After the humiliating encounter Alex and I shared with Harry, I lead our way out of the club and immediately dropped Alex' drunkenly swaying body off of mine, causing him to collapse on the cement ground and exclaim confused curses and profanity.

"Alex! For fucks sake! No, Alex that's a frickin fire hydrant, not a dog! I swear- stop petting it, Alex!"

"Hushh, pupp. Hushhh."

His purring hushes and low soothing hums bring me back to the night of the movie premiere and how he tried, but failed miserably, to comfort me as I purged the alcoholic beverages I drank out of my system. His hands rub the red fire hydrant in a soft and delicate motion just as he had for me that night.

"Alex. D'you not feel the slightest bit of embarrassment for what you said in there?"

He stops petting the fire hydrant and looks up at me, squinting his eyes as a street lights light enter them violently, the left corner of his mouth lifts up and reveals his pearly teeth. He stays in that position for while, just staring at me with his squinted eyes and slightly elevated lip, before attempting to get on his feet, failing most of the attempts and gripping on to the fire hydrant for support in balance. I stand in front of him and laugh, despite my anger and aggravation towards him.

He finally balances himself on his own two feet and stands in front of me, his body slightly tilted to the left, and his hair now messy from all the partying and gel product, not to mention the obscene amount of times he combs and runs his fingers through it. His eyes roamed around mine, continuing to roam everywhere else of mine.

"No. I didn't, Tal. Embarrassment are for people who regret things. And I am not a regretteter. Re-gret-er. I'm not a regreter."

"That's not a word. And you will be tomorrow morning."

"No, I won't."

"Yea, you will."


He steps closer.






Too close.


"Don't say it. We can't get any closer than this, don't ya think?"

"You afraid to?"

He looks at me for exactly 4 seconds then takes a step back.

"Matt's inside. You should probably, call him. And Miles, too."

He takes another step back and brings a finger to the inside corner of his left eye, looking away from me and down to the ground. I whip out my phone and call Miles, he surprisingly answered by the 3rd call, knowing Miles he usually answers by the 5th or 10th when he was out.

Loud music and voices can be heard in the background of his voice. He yells into the phone;

"Where are you, love? You gone to the powder room?"

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