15| temptation greets you

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Song title from:
Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend

December 22nd, 2012
20:48 p.m.

It's been months since I've, well you can kind of say 'abandoned' the lads, nine months to be exact. It wasn't like after the whole mess I cut them out of my life completely, I only did that to Matt and Alex.

I kept my word and texted Miles when I arrived at LA, well a week after arriving, but he was really understanding about it and even asked if I wanted to meet up when he was in LA for a gig a couple of months ago. I said it would be better if we didn't, but we still chatted occasionally through text.

Alex and I, on the other hand, had lost every bit of contact. He had my number, I had his, I had his email, he had mine, but we both did nothing about it.

As for Matt, it was the same as Alex. I was more upset that it happened with Matt more than Alex cause Matt was one of the few people that I clicked with and had an open and genuine relationship with, sadly the relationship I cherished most beside Miles, only lasted 9 months.

All because of my wrong doing.

Today was my 21st birthday, and I was going to finally have a legal drink for the first time in my whole life. Instead of just having a small gathering of friends, this year I planned on hosting a party at a club I've rented for the night, and I didn't plan on spending it being sober like I usually would on my past birthdays.

Okay that's a lie, but I would always feel guilty for drinking illegally afterwards. Not really.

I finally had the liberty to buy my own alcoholic beverages instead of asking a random stranger or an older friend to buy it, but it kind of took away the fun and spontaneousness to it. You gain and lose some, I guess.

From hour to hour, Rhea, my roommate turned to best friend, and I went over the party plans. I made sure the playlist wasn't a bore and the lighting was club-y but not a pain for the eyes. Rhea, bless her, used up all her phone credit yesterday morning to call every one of our friends and my friends, celebrities that I find slightly tolerating and nice, to confirm their coming. We ran down to the club this morning to give the head bodyguard a list of names that we were expecting. A total of 126.

Rhea and I are finally settled down after our showers, now deciding what to wear. I had planned my attire since days ago, weeks even, but Rhea had forgotten and was forced to go buy a new outfit this morning.

She sat on one of the kitchen bar stools doing her make up with a towel wrapped around her frame, I had finished my makeup and was slipping myself in my dress.

Days ago I found a charming black dress worn by a mannequin behind a glass window at the mall, and I immediately knew it was exactly what I wanted to wear for the party.

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