23| spilling drinks on the settee

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Put a bunch of AM song references in this chapter hehe;)
Song title from:
Do I wanna know

March 10th, 2013
13:45 p.m.

Alex's POV

I wake up with a jolt as a wet substance drips down to the midst of my thighs, soaking the dark jeans I fell asleep in in the process.

Rubbing my eyes and regaining consciousness of my surroundings, I find myself laying on the black leather couch in the lads and I's New York apartment, a place we only use during recording months. It was a decent-sized place and almost bearable for the four of us, but we usually tend to get messy during the nights, forcing Jamie (who cant bear dirty clothes and empty beer bottles everywhere) to clean up after us.

Peering down with blurry vision, I find a whisky glass on my crotch, probably the cause of my drenched jeans and couch.

Great, I've spilled yet another glass of alcoholic beverage on the settee. The lads'll kill me.

I try and reclaim my vision as I blink my eyes around to get rid of the blurriness, letting me only see apparitions of the apartment.

Talaska would've liked it here.
She would've filled up the walls with inappropriate paintings and I would absolutely let her. She would hammer framed pictures of her two favorite animals (whales and orangutans) and pictures of her nieces. She would teach me a thing or two about dealing with taxes and bills and give me a full on lecture on how I shouldn't be so dependent on other people to do such basic tasks, just like old times.

Just as this thought crept in my head, I suddenly remember how I dreamt of her again last night. Not in a wet dream kind of way, I mean I wish, wankbank. Instead, it was an awfully odd dream.

I was flicking through a little phonebook, running a finger along the long list of names when I come to an abrupt stop to one I couldn't make out clearly. Dialing the phone on the machine, there was no ringing afterwards and instead Talaska's voice filled my head. We exchanged a couple of words through the imaginary phone and she laughed at all my imaginary jokes, but I can't remember the dialogue for the life of me.

All I remember was that she was a stranger in that phonebook that I was acting like I knew. I'm guessing I was trying to prank her or summet, something the lads and I would often do to people during kids.

Right then as I hung up, Talaska burst in through some door, dressed up as a modern cowgirl- wearing a pair of dirty gator skin boots and paired that off with a silver sparkling swimming suit.

I think I gasped at that sight of her in my dream, I would too in real life.

She walks to me seductively and whispers between "You could be my baby" or "I'm having your baby." Again, I'm unable to remember the whole dream correctly. She cups my face in her hands and gives me a soft kiss on my cheek. Pulling away, she opens her mouth to reveal a blue cough drop on the tip of her tongue, just like our last night together- her cough drop-colored tongue.

She takes it out of her mouth and places it on my forehead, as if she had just tapped into my mind and soul. She already did the moment she walked in, however. Walking backwards slowly, she finally turns around and goes towards the door she went through, but now the door led to space. The blackness and tiny shimmering planets and stars giving it away.
I remember thinking to myself; 'Is this chick made of outer space?'

That's when I realize her ugly mustard color knee socks under her boots, they didn't appear to be there before.

Suddenly, Blondie's 'Heart Of Glass' song started playing in the background. Talaska followed the rhythm of the music and danced along to it as she stepped nearer and nearer to the door. She always was a 70's head, fond with all those old upbeat and disco-tic songs.

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