51 - So close and yet so far away

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Ralphus pulls away from me the moment the bathroom door slams shut behind us.
"Cynder," He takes in a shuddering breath.
I study his image of agitation in the bathroom mirror. His eyebrows completely shadow his eyes, and his generous lips are drawn out into something displeasingly stern and unforgiving. The violet irises of his eyes almost seem to shake with the deep furrows between his brows, and our eyes meet in the mirror for a snapping instant. He runs a hand violently through his dishevelled hair, throws his arm back and punches the glass. Crack. Thin, hairline fractures run brokenly from the edge towards the centre. In an instant the reflection of his face is covered with spider web lines, it's almost like the paling skin, scrunched nose, down-pressed brows are all just part of a crumbling mask. Ralphus whips his head away quickly.
"Is there a way to escape this situation?" My voice rings brash and unnecessarily cruel.
Ralphus's fingers tighten around the edge of the sink counter.
"Is there a way to disobey their command without aggravating the situation?"
His shoulders shake, and his hands crush into the marble.
"We can only do what we can Ralphus. It's difficult, that's true, I suppose it's designed to humiliate you, that's undeniable, but this is just a single trial. It was bound to come sooner or later." I step forwards, turn and press my back to his, "Let's talk this through before we go out."
Tense muscles tremble and strain in a wordless scream beneath the inconsequential barrier of cloth between us, "It's shameful," he whispers fiercely, broad back hunching, "It's shameful for me to be this way in front of you."
A sigh breaks the fold of my lip, "I don't live in an illusion of who you are and your situation, Ralphus." My hands fall loosely to my side, "These things, all this, are things I understand all too well."
Ralphus falls silent, but his rough breathing continues to fill the air.
"You're not to blame for this happening. No one's to blame except for the Kades."
     "I hate it." His voice slides out thin and barely audible.
     A pounding ache shakes my heart, "I know, Ralphus. I know."
     He lets out a long, trembling breath, "I'm sorry. This shouldn't have happened."
     A small half puff of a laugh spirals from my throat, "I didn't think you'd be so apologetic. What's happened, has happened, you can't change anything now."
     An itch travels through my fingers, and the heat stemming from my head directs me to what I should do this very moment. I detach from his back and spin towards him, "Turn around."
     His feet inch slowly and heavily towards me, but finally, his tall figure looms over me, eyes focused on something distant and unreachable. I clench his jacket firmly in my hand, and with all the strength in my arm, pulls him down. Our lips clash brutally like the parrying of swords on a battlefield. In the moment where my lips bite into his dry, yet immeasurably soft skin, he finally looks at me through the curl of his lashes. I clutch him closer and drive my mouth harder into his so the tip of my nose digs into the side of his, and the strong tip of his drives into the flesh of my face. We're connected more solidly than we've ever been. His eyes tremble in sorrow and shock and an unyielding understanding. I probe the gate of his lips open with my tongue, and I tell him with the flutter of my eyelids, and the caress of my mouth on his, and my pressing forwards closer and closer, kiss me. Kiss me.
     A strong, bursting flame ignites in his eyes, and he's pushing into me, clasping my body tightly, desperately. His tongue dances with mine, clashing and separating and intertwining again. A shiver courses deliciously through my legs, and all thoughts flash out of my mind. We stumble back and back, and he nudges me vigorously into the wall, fingers tugging through my hair. A burning heat pools deep below my abdomen, and my trousers become irritatingly tight. I move my hands up and down the solid muscles of his abdomen and waist, and a gruff sigh vibrates from Ralphus's throat. He pushes into me sharply, digging his hardening bulge against my groin and abdomen. A wave of fizzing pleasure rushes through the pulsing tightness in my pants, and my hands delve through his short, soft hair, pushing his incessant nudging away.
He stares at me with a bleary discontentment and rubs his bulge aggressively against mine. A jolt travels through my knees up my spine, and my legs weaken like they're made out of mush, "Fuck, Ralphus, that's enough for now."
Pressing his forehead against mine, he takes in a deep, husky breath, the fierceness in his eyes running sharp twitches through my cock and ass.
"The enema." I add faintly.
He leans away and runs a hand through the falling strands of his hair, making the large bulge in his pants more apparent than ever.
"Here," I step forwards shakily, "Come here." I tug off his crumpled jacket and unbutton his white shirt, unrevealing his smooth chest inch by inch until the entirety of his glossy, toned abdomen with it's raised muscles and V-line abs is displayed before my hands. Ralphus's rough breaths fill the stifling space, and the bulge of his pants seemingly grows even larger. My fingers can't help but trace the firm, elastic skin of his torso, down and down to the edge of his form-fitting black pants. His hands hover over my wrists, but instead of stopping me, they pull me closer before moving to stroking my waist and thighs. I swallow and the heat in my trousers blazes up.
My fingertips brush over his beautiful skin, the deep gouges of his v-line abs, to the buttons of his pants and that blooming bulge. Nimbly they undo the buttons and clasps like they've done a hundred other times, but when the obstacles come undone, my fingers don't slide down the pants hurriedly like they used to do. Instead, they take their time skimming over the soft, elastic texture of his black briefs, the darker wet spot of stickiness, the clear outline of his stiff erection. A growl purrs deep in Ralphus's throat, and his hands grasp around my waist tighter. My throat burns dry, and I order my fingers to pull down his trousers, revealing his long, athlete's legs, the perfect configuration of his thighs, the smooth knob of his knee, the lean curve of his calf... I pull myself gently away from his clutches, down the honeyed skin of his legs to his boots.
One clasp by one clasp, I unlace the tight leather strings of his shoes, and with two good tug I release his finely sculpted feet from the confines of his boots. His trousers fall to the floor with a soft thump, and I unravel his black socks from the elegant jut of his ankles and fine-boned feet.
"Cynder..." Ralphus murmurs deeply from above me.
A hot smile tugs my lips, and I stand back up, admiring the enviable length and power of his legs. The bare perfection of his nakedness burns my eyes, never have I been so taken by a man's exposed body, the arc of his neck, the hollow of his collarbones, the fullness of his chest, the rise of his nipples, the curvature of his muscles, the dip of his belly button, everything, everything kisses my mind.
His hands cup and caress my hair, smoothing strands over the shell of my ear. The heat of a flush rushes up my neck like a lover's whisper. I hook my thumbs into the edge of his briefs and slowly peel them away from his tight ass and long member. They too, fall to the floor into the midst of discarded clothing, and his hard cock quivers upright to his torso rigidly.
"Ralphus, would you please stand in the tub."
A rosiness paints his face, and his eyes flicker away from my face at the hint of what's to come. He shifts with a restless energy and steps into the large ceramic tub, watching me intently. I study the enema kit and the various other tools on the sink counter. The bright packaging of a small box catches my eye, and a silent curse streams through my mind. I always thought they didn't have condoms in this world because the Kades always seemed to fuck bareback, but what's that box there? I place the bulb enema on the rim of the tub and rip open a lubricated condom from the package, shimmying it onto a finger.
I place my other hand on Ralphus's waist, "Please bend down dear, it'd make it easier."
The flush on Ralphus's cheeks spreads and reddens, but he turns and bends down so his firm ass is sticking out invitingly towards me. I stroke the supple skin of his butt and part the solid muscle and soft flesh. His anus twitches, and the hotness in my pants strains uncomfortably against the fabric.
     "I'm going to enter a finger now, Ralphus."
     At the sound of my voice, his entrance contracts visibly, and I can't help but give his butt a forceful pinch.
     "God, you're so sexy."
     A grunt of disagreement reverberates deeply from Ralphus's throat, but is cut in half abruptly as I enter the tip of my finger slowly into his entrance. His legs shake subtly, and I stroke his back and thighs gently with my other hand.
     "Just a bit more Ralphus." I inch my finger deeper into his warm, soft passage and after a liberal moment, slide the finger in and out gradually.
     There's a low intake of breath, but otherwise no sound disrupts the faint heat of silence.
     "I'm going to go ahead with the enema now, this will feel uncomfortable, but bear with me." I slide my finger completely out from the tender flesh of Ralphus's insides and open the tap of the tub. Removing the condom, I lube up the tip of the nozzle and press it to his entrance, "Three, two, one." I push the tip of the nozzle very gradually into his anus.
     Ralphus makes no sound, but the tub creaks and I catch sight of his tightening hands on the rim. I caress the inside and back of his thighs in a circular motion, brushing the heaviness of his balls in brief movement, "Feeling ok?"
     "No problem." He answers, voice cool and emotionless.
     I give him a firm pat and squeeze the saline solution into his insides. The sound of creaking metal and cracking ceramic echoes through the warm air immediately.
     "Shhhh, just hold it in for a bit, you'll be just fine." I run my hands up and down his waist and take out the nozzle gingerly. His anus spasms but no liquid comes out. I place my hands gently on his back and pet his blemish-free skin in a circular motion, "You're doing great dear. Just a little bit more." 
     A quiet grunt trembles from Ralphus's throat.
     The lingering heat in my pants sparks to my head, and I lean forwards and plant brief, butterfly kisses onto his back. The scent of mint and fresh grass travel to my nose and blooms brilliantly in my mind like rare flowers I'll never see again. A withered sigh protrudes from my mouth, "You can let go now."
     He doesn't move but stays absolutely still, and although the muscles of his thighs are shuddering faintly, he doesn't let go.
     "Don't look." The murmur rings as loud as the universe in my ears, "Don't look, Cynder."
     The beat in my chest pulses doubly, "It's alright Ralphus." I glide my fingertips against the rise and dip of his spine.
     Ralphus's words grow steely and industrially manufactured, "Please, don't look."
     My eyes paint the beautiful, prone figure in front of me before withdrawing and turning away, "I'm not looking, I've turned away."
     There's a choked whisper of a sigh and the splash of another source of liquid merges with the constant, deep hum of water from the tap. He's let it go hasn't he? And now... he's washing and rinsing. The unbroken lines of his body rise achingly in my mind. Is it fair for all the men is this world to be so phenomenally eye-grabbing? How can he be so alluringly in front of me, and yet so desperately far away? How can I give in completely to love, like this?
     The rush of water fades in disarray from my ears, and silence echoes emptily around us, the cold tiles of the walls and the even colder prospect of violence outside the door.
     "Thank you."
      My feet spin around, and Ralphus's eyes alight on my face in a tender joy and longing. He steps out of the tub cleanly, and the look in the swirling, hypnotising depths of his eyes puts a blaze to my heart. I pull him down again, and this time when my lips clasp his lips, our tongues twine together softly and slowly. The petal satin brush of his mouth churns my heart and mind into a place where nothing exists but the fresh scent of his skin, the electrical shock of his touch, the rich sway of his voice, the clear purple of his eyes, the  romantic waltz of his tongue and everything, everything Ralphus.
     We break away, reluctant, hesitant, unsatisfied, and never before have I understood Romeo and his yearning, and his impulses, and his anger more than now. That familiar, worn darkness clouds us both, and Ralphus's unwavering violet eyes travel to the door and the image of what lies beyond.
     "Enemas," he bites into the word sharply, "do you do them frequently?" His slender fingers twitch and curl into his palm.
     I don't look at him, only make my way to the imminent door knob, "Ah." My voice scratches my voice, "It's all in the past."


AN: Some more intimate scenes for the next two or maybe even three chapters. And yes, I did some research for this chapter because it so happens that I'm not an expert on enemas and anal douching; somehow also managed to get distracted by Alexander the Great's relationship with his great friend for about an hour. Wikipedia really likes 'wasting' my time. Oh, and somehow I found a new song favourite from Strawbs (title reference) haha, seems to fit with Cynder and the guys somewhat .

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