"okay. see you soon, joon." him brought the phone off his ear, sliding it into his back pocket as he tossed his empty plastic bowl in the garbage.

he quickly picked up his keys off the counter and headed towards the door.

"where are you going?" I asked, watching him grab his jacket off the hook and slipping it on.

jin grabbed the handle of the door, a nervous smile on his face as he opened it. "I guess we're going to be the ones to explain the whole story to jimin."


Hoseok's POV

"waaaait, hold on a minute," i took a sip of water from my nearly empty water bottle, before placing down between my lap. "so how can mermaids multiply if they can't have kids?"

Namjoon groaned at my question, running a hand through his hair as he sighed with exasperation. "because they go through mating season just like wolves and other mammals..."

"but like, how does the baby mermaid come out? they don't have like....you know, holes like humans do!" I gestured my hand weirdly with made jimin giggle and jungkook blush at my sudden quesiton.

"because they CAN!! now can you please be quiet hoseok? I don't want to vomit..." Namjoon nearly banged his head against a desk as I pouted.

"wait wait wait, just one more question!"

"this better be valid."

"it is!" I grinned. "okay, so I always wondered, why do donuts have holes?"

"fuck you." Namjoon grumbled, nearly losing his last brain cell as I shook my head.

"seriously though! why can't it just not have a hole?"

"maybe they have holes so they can make timbits?" jimin suggested.

"OH WAIT!!" I exclaimed, making everyone go quiet. "I have the ultimate question..."

"w-what is it?" jungkook asked, preparing for something that was asked by Einstein.

jimin just stared at me with curiosity.

Namjoon look liked he wanted to shoot himself.




"its wet!" jimin declared, but jungkook shook his head.

"no i-its not!" jungkook mumbled, although jimin still heard it as he denied Jungkook's claim.

"where's your p-proof?" jungkook asked.

"because what do you feel if water is poured all over you?" jimin asked.

"I feel wet--" Jungkook's eyes widened as jimin cheered in victory.

I laughed at Jungkook's shocked expression while namjoon banged his head on the desk, damaging the the 'sexy' brain jin loved.

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