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While soaking in Nates luxury, whirlpool bath, I couldn't help thinking about what his ex and brother did

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While soaking in Nates luxury, whirlpool bath, I couldn't help thinking about what his ex and brother did. I never had siblings, but I'm sure if I did I would never dream of doing something like that to them. I know I wouldn't do it to Amanda, and she's like a sister to me.

To know she was saving up his money, pretending to love him - when she didn't; I couldn't do that to somebody important to me, but then maybe his brother was just a selfish arsehole who didn't care about Nate.

That broke my heart a little. No matter what, you're supposed to love your siblings. Not destroy their happiness, and take advantage of their kindness.

Sighing, as I realised how naive I sounded, I sunk further into the bath letting the bubbles cover me completely. All you could see was my head.

I wasn't too concerned about him lying. Personally I could understand why. I'd been through hell, and sometimes it just feels easier to lie. I was a little hurt that he couldn't trust me, but again I understood. Maybe that made me stupid to some people, but sometimes people make mistakes and choices to protect themselves. That's exactly what Nate did.

"Daisy?" Nate shouted from behind the door, making me jump.

"Er yeah?"

"Dinner won't be long, Hope wants to come in. Can she?"

Bless her, she either shared a bath with me or sat with me. She was most likely feeling out of routine.


Realising that when he opened the door, he was going to briefly see me, I felt a little nervous. I'm sure my cheeks were already flushed from the heat, but they suddenly felt warmer as I heard the door click open.

"Can I have a bath too?"

She ran over to me grinning from ear to ear, and I noticed Nate standing in the door frame looking down at the floor. His eyes never moved from the same spot on the floor, you'd think he was admiring a piece of art. As beautiful as his place is, I'm sure the floor isn't that interesting.

A small laugh left me. I admired him being a gentleman, but it was a little funny; I could see how red his cheeks were.

"I don't know baby I think you'll have to ask Nate" I replied, purposely trying to get him to look my way.

His head moved swiftly to look up, then just as quick moved back down before answering.

"Yeah sure she can" he squeaked.

He cleared his throat rubbing the back of his neck. I've noticed he does that.

"You can come in you know" I teased, before adding, "is the floor as interesting as you're making it look?"

I lifted my head to pretend I was intrigued by the patch of flooring, and he just laughed while finally looking my way.

His gaze became heated, full of lust, as he stepped over to us.

Corrupted, Damaged, And BeautifulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora