Lake Havasu 1

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A few months go by it's the End of April the baby is due a week after Mother's Day and Luna's birthday is three days after Mother's Day.
"Yo Luna" Thomas says as I'm waddling downstairs "Yh what's up T" I say. "Ok so I know this is crazy but I wanna 5 day vacation with the whole house" he says "ok Thomas it will have to be everything but me I can't fly rember" I say point to my belly. "We would drive" he says. "Ok where" I ask. "Let's go to Havasu I have a friend you can get us a villa and boats come on it will be fun it's 3 weeks before the baby's due so think of it as your vacation" he says. "I don't know" I say unconvinced "please" he says. "Ok fine let's tell everyone when are we leaving" I say. "Let's leave tonight" he says and calls at everyone to come downstairs. Nick and Chase walk done and everyone else slowly come to "ok babe" Nick says wrapping his arms around me well as far as they'll go. "Yh I'm good" I smile up at him.

"We're going to a trip to Havasu for 5 days pack quick we lave tonight" Thomas says. We all cheer "you sure you'll be ok" Nick says "I'll be fine" I say. We all go and pack after a few hours of chilling I chat to Kouvr "ok so we need to sort out the best way to travel as in who god in what car" she says. "Agreed" I say. We figure it out and I'm going with Nick Chase Patty Calvin and Tony in a seven seater. Alex Kouvr Mia and Thomas in Alex car and then all the others in Tony's car even though Ondre would drive.
We walk downstairs to everyone ready to go we load up the cars and read out who's going where. "Ok who's driving" I say as we get to our car "we can all take turns apart from Patty and Calvin and you because they'll end up crashing" Nick says laughing. "Ok so how about Tony drives first Patty and Calvin in the back back and Chase isn't he front and us in the middle" I say. "Sounds good" we all get in the car. We drive of.

For the first two hours we stopped at canes and I just say and Nick and I made a tik tok took pictures and just had fun. Tony got tired of driving so we pulled over to switch seats Chase stayed in the front as Nick drove Patty and Calvin were fighting before so Patty came next to me and Tony went in the back back. I was tired from all the food I ate so I fell asleep cuddles up to Patty. The mini van we were in only had a held that went over you and clipped right in not 2 straps to it was easy to move around. It was about another 2 hours till Nick shook me "ok baby" he asks "I'm fine I'm tired let me sleep" I say kind of still half asleep. "She's fine j don't mind her sleeping on me. I see Chase get in the back with Calvin and Tony drive with Nick next to him. I fell back asleep cuddled up to Patty.

"Ok we're at the last charging station" Nick says waking me up. "Go pee because it's going to be another 4 hours till you can and you know the baby is using your bladder as a pillow" he says. He was right I got up and wobbled. Patty caught me "ok" he and I nod. Nick helps me walk to the bathroom and waiting outside the door for me I come out and we all switch again. Nick and Tony stay in the front canning up fiver every now and again but Chase has got sick of Calvin who was winding them all up so in the middle row I had Patty on one side and Chase on the other I completely unclipped my belt as we were on a quiet road anyway. I rest my head on Patty lap and I put my legs up on Chase. "I'm cold" I say. I couldn't fit into Nicks hoodies anymore they were just a little bit to small because of how skinny he was. "Here" Patty says he helps me sit up and gives me his hoodie and the hits Calvin. Calvin handed him a blanket. Patty looks at Nick who wasn't driving and Nick nods giving him the ok to let me wear his hoodie.

I sit up and put Patty's hoodie on I they snuggle up in the blanket. Patty holds him arms out for a hug cuddle thingy. Chase was now asleep and I dint want to wake him I pull away from my hug for a second "Night baby" I sat leaning into the front and kissing Nick. I then lean over and kiss Chases cheek "night Chasey I whisper" "I want one" Calvin moans I turn around and blow him a goodnight kiss. "Ok that's mean if you don't give me one" Tony says driving I blow him one to. I kiss Patty's check and I snuggle up to him. I lean on him and fall asleep.

I'm tired I'll update loads tomrrow 💖🌸

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