Baby Names

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I woke up from the night befores gender revel Nick was making a list on notes on his phone. I kissed his cheek "whatta doing" I say. "Oh it's nothing" he says smiling "Nickey Bear tell meeee" I whine. "Ok fine it's a list of baby names" he says shyly. "Nick that's so cute can I see" I ask him. I scroll through the names and there all so cute "Aww I love all of them what's your favourite" I ask. "Well my favourites Taylor but we don't" I cut him of. "I love Taylor it's perfect my grandad was called Taylor and if it's your favourite you clearly love it" I say lying down again but this time on top of him. "Wait so we have a name" he says. "It looks like we do" I say going back to sleep.

"Luna wake up its been a few hours and I need to go to mine and Ryalnds photo shoot with Bryant" Nick says gently shaking me. "Ok baby I love you" I say. "Ok well everyone is out right now so you'll be home alone are you going to be ok" he asks. "I'm fine" I say kissing him and then falling back asleep.
I woke up to a load crash I sat up thinking it was just Alex and Patty but then I remembered I was home alone. I panic I tip toe over to the door and lock it I hear footsteps and another load bang. Without things I start crying and I run and hide int he closet I hide under blankets and call Nick no answer. I could here Simone turning the door handle. "What do you want" I yell crying. "Luna it's ok it's ok it's me" Chase said I run and unlock the door. "You scared me I though I was home alone and I-I" I was still crying he carried me over to the bed kicked of his shoes and got under the covers with me. "It's ok let's watch a movie and chill" he says I'm still crying as I had just had a mild panic attack. I fall asleep cuddled up next to Chase.

I wake up for like the 50'th time today to hear voices "Look Chase I love you bro but you and Luna are really close and it's kind of strange your cuddled up in the same position me and her would be and I mean it kind of bothers me" I hear Nick say "NO it's not like that we're just best friends" Chase says "shut up your going to wake her up" Nick says. "No I'm not you are so be quiet" Chase responds. "Well fuck of your in my fucking bed so leave us alone" Nick yells at Chase "ok I'll go but I'm always there for her and I know stuff about her that you don't and she needs me" Chase says holding me tighter. I open my eyes and sit up and hug Chase "I need both of you idiots" I say rubbing my eyes. "Sorry babe I dint mean to wake you" I cut him of "shut up I heard everything and look Chase and I are just friends so Nick chill and Chase I love you but I do also have to respect if Nick feels bad about it we might have to be a little less close" I say. "Luna I'm sorry you and Chase are really great friends and your fine I was just pissed of because I was looking forward to coming home and cuddling up with you but you and Chase were already" I get out of bed and Jump on Nick. "I love you and it's fine and Chase and I were just cuddling because well I heard something and was hiding in the closet and crying and Chase found me and calmed me down" I say. And I sit back with Chase and hug him. "Chase I'm sorry thank you for being there for her" he says. "Group hug" I ask. And Nick joins as and we all huddle. "Chase do you wanna know the name we decided on my way of saying sorry" Nick asks. "Are you sure" Chase says. "Yes of course we decided on Taylor James Austin" Nick says. "That's perfect" Chase says. As I re fall asleep as I must of been so tired from the pregnancy.

I hope you all like the name KelseyMarisa helped me choose it and I love it 💖🌸

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