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We walked into the Hype house and went straight k our room and went to sleep Chase showed Ivy to her room.
I woke up that morning and Nick and Chase went there I started having a panic attack. "Nick Nick where are you" I cried. He walked out the bathroom in a towel "Luna I'm here I just took a shower" he said running to me and grabbing me pulling me to his chest hugging me. "Luna I think you should take a shower to it might relax you" he said. "I'll have a bath only if you stay with me holiday my hand" I say tearing up remembering what happened. "Of course Luna anything" he said. I stand up still in Ivys sweatpants and Nicks shirt. Nick picks me up and carries over to the bathroom. He locks the door so Chase wouldn't come in he turns the tap on and runs a warm bath he sat me down on the toilet. When the bath was run he said  "do you want the jets on" he said. "No I'm fine" I say. I pull down my sweat pants I wobble slightly as I hadn't stood up since yesterday as Nick had carried me everywhere since. "Are you ok your wobbling" he said coming over and supporting me. "I'm fine Nick thanks" I say smiling. He helped me take of my shirt then helping into the tub. I held his hand as I got washed I didn't let go. He helped me out like a baby with a towel and we went back into the bedroom.

He helped me get dry and I put on a large hoodie and sweatpants I didn't put makeup on because I didn't feel like looking nice "you look cute" Nick said. "Thanks but I really just I don't know" I said cuffing up to him on the bed shall I get everyone down in the lounge Chase asked a few questions while you were asleep but I didn't say anything" he said. "Ok but one thing" I say looking into his eyes "I don't want to tell my mum or sister they'll worry and I just don't want to tell them but I want to tell the house but not Daisy" I say. "Of course Luna" he said brushing my hair. "I'll piggy you back downstairs I'm pretty sure everyone's going to be there" he said standing up. I get in his back still holding his hand. As we went downstairs Kouvr and Mia made space for Nick and I on the couch. "Ok so your probably wondering what happend" I say. All of a sudden Daisy walked in "oh is there a meeting what's going on Luna" She said sitting down in front of me. "Daisy could you please go upstairs" Nick said "no I'm part of the house I wanna know" she said crossing her arms. "Daisy I think that's a good idea" Thomas said she rolled her eyes and stormed upstairs as soon as I heard the door slam I said "sorry I just don't really want her to know" I say. "What happened bubs" a Kouvr said. "We're here for you whatever" Chase said grabbing my leg. "Ok well last night we finished dinner and we were about to go to the room but a man took me" I say grabbing Nicks hand as he pulled me in tighter. "Oh my god Luna" Mia said. "The man took me in a van and and he touched me and he" I say Thomas cut me of "Luna we get it you don't need to say it" he said. "Luna I'm so sorry that happened" Charli said. "Ivy really helped us" I say. "It's no trouble you would of done the same" she said as Ivy was still here. I stood up and let go of Nicks hand I walked over to Ivy "thank you" I said giving her a hug.
"Well how about I book a holiday to the Bahamas Ivy you should come to our way of saying thank you for helping us get to Luna" Thomas said. "Yes" everyone said. "That sounds amazing" I say. We all cheered "thank you so much but I can't afford to go to the Bahamas" Ivy said. "I'll pay for you my way of saying thanks for helping Luna" Nick said. I walked I've to him and gave him a kiss "thanks Nick love you see Ivy now you can come" I said. "Thank you" Ivy said.
"I'll book it for next week" Thomas said. "Tonight let's have a hype house sleepover" Chase said. "Are you up for it" Nick said. "Let's do it" I say. "Ivy can you stay one more night you can borrow some of my clothes I have here" I said. "I mean if that's ok with all of you". "Of course" everyone said.
We all grabbed our mattresses and brought them downstairs. I sat with Kouvr Mia and the other girls for a bit they were all super supportive. Then I went over to the boys Nick was in the kitchen so I sat on Patty's lap as all the boys gave me hugs. "Thanks boys it means a lot" I say "did he use a condom" Calvin asked. "Really Calvin I'm not in the mood and no" I said. "Leave her alone Calvin" Patty said picking me up and throwing me into a pile of pillows . "Patrickkk" I yell laughing. Nick picked me up "be gentle guys don't be mean to my baby" he said kissing my cheek. We all watch a movie and I eventually fall asleep surrroned by all my friends. Nick next to me Kouvr and Alex upside down to us Chase on the other side of me.
Aww that's cute they were all so supportive 💖🌸

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