Baecation Part 2

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As I locked the door I ran over to the bed crying I looked out the balcony and saw everyone they looked as if they were fighting so I opened the door to hear.
The convo I hear
Nick: Really guys I don't care but you forget Luna's more sensitive and she'll get upset now I know for a fact she won't come out for dinner and I know that for her the next few days are ruined
Alex: sorry Nick but I mean fucking in the sea is stupid everyone could ducking see you
Kouvr: shut up Alex
Nick: ok but still it was fun at the moment this was meant to be a break after what happened to her and now you guys are ruining it who fucking cares if we had sex it's immature guys
Mia: ok we're sorry but your the ones that ducking fucked in the ocean.
Nick: I can't all of you and you knew tonight I was going to ask her
Ivy/Millie: what were you going to ask her Nick
Nick: sorry I dint mean to make you feel excluded by you not knowing I was going to ask her to move into the house with me I mean we could just have the spare room and it means Chase has a room for himself
Ivy: that's so sweet Nick
Nick: yes it was going to be dinner on the beachside restaurant and ask her but these asshole fuckheads ruined it
Chase: I know she's your girlfriend and all but do you mind if I go and talk to her

I shut the door Nick was going to ask me to live with him I mean I would of said yes but now I just feel awkward if I did after what they all did. There was a knock on the door. "Go away" I yell. "Luna it's me come on open the door" Chase says. He didn't actually say anything so I opened the door and walked away. "Luna I'm sorry we didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable" he says sitting the door and relocking it. I turn around and hug Chase "You didn't do anything I love you Chase" I say "what" he says pulling away "no you idiot" I say laughing "as a big brother your always there for me" I say hugging him again. "Oh Yh I love you two Luna" he says. "I just it makes me think if everyone makes fun of me why do I even hang around with them" I say sitting in the bed. "They were just making a joke they really didn't mean to hurt you" he says. "Well I'm not going out till I hear it from them" I say.

We talk for a bit more and Chase goes out he comes back with everyone else. "I'm really sorry Luna" Alex says "Yh we didn't want to hurt you" everyone else joins in Chase is sitting next to me hugging me. Nick comes over and grabs my hand in the other side to Chase. "It's ok guys I over reacted of course I'll come out for dinner just do you kind waiting a few minutes for me to do my makeup I mean I kind of rushed it so" I say. I get up and we have a big group hug. Everyone but Chase and Nick leave. "I wanna change I put this on in a hurry" I say I take a quick shower and when I get out I put a white crop top on and some elephant pattens loose trousers with some white shoes. I put on natural makeup and walk out he bathroom "you look amazing" Nick said "Yh you look great Luna" Chase says there sitting next to each other in the bed I dive on them both. "Let's go oh Chase one second go ahead without us I'll be one minutes get the others" I say. Chase leaves and gets the others ready to leave. "Nick I heard you downstairs I opened the balcony door to here" we standing up hugging really tight. "I heard you defending me and I love you thank you and I don't care it was fun in the ocean" I say laughing. "Oh did you heard the other thing" he said pulling away from our hug but still holding each other. "Yes and yes" I at taking a deep breath. "When you mean yes you mean" I cut him of "yes I'll move in with you" I say looking into his eyes. "Are you sure because we don't have to go this fast we've known each other 3 months do I guess we're moving quickly" he says "Nick shut up yes of course I'll move in with you I love you and that's not changing no matter what" I say.

"I love you to Luna" he picks me up and swings me around" we hold hand and walk to the lobby where everyone was waiting. "Guys it looks like she's moving in" Nick says. The girls run up to me and hug me "yayyyy I can't wait we need another girl living full time at the house" Kouvr says. "Yh were sick of being the hype house mums" Mia says. "I can't wait". We all get ubers to the the restaurant. Nick me Kouvr Alex Thomas and Mia and of course the driver went in a 7 seater. Nick and I sat in the very back and had a make out sesh in the way there.

Omg yay I can't wait to write the rest of this story💖🌸

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