I'll Miss You Not Being Mine

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I’ll miss you being mine

Christine Summer

You’re making your way into the world,

While I’m out here in the cold,

Counting numbers out of the stars,

Rounding up the corner,

Do you still remember?

How we’ll walk hand in hand,

I’ll still miss you not being mine,

And I’d remember how you’d tell me you love me,

Without the words, silence is my sanctuary.

Am I still a part of your dreams?

I’ll play that old record we sang,

With our hearts beating so fast,

Do you still remember?

How you would hold my hand,

And then we’d run away from this,

Give me one last kiss, good-bye,

I’ll still miss you being mine.

So, blow me one last kiss,

As you make your way up,

Always remember this, in my mind,

I’ll always miss you not being mine,

I’ll always regret you not being mine.

I’ll remember that time,

When you said that thinking of me,

Will be your favorite past time,

And I’ll regret how I didn’t say half of what I’d want to tell you,

Being with you was the best thing,

And now I’ll miss you being mine.


For the one person who I regret not fighting for.



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