stop Please. a/n

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Hey guys so on story's, please dont write "oh you messed up that or; thats not possible or thats not a ship!" It makes the writers (some) annoyed especially me. And makes them feel bad, it makes them think you didnt enjoy the story and especially when they took time and effort into it. And fanfictions aren't suppose to be real nor make any sense for that matter its about enjoying the story, I know this may sound harsh but don't take it in a mean way also I got alot of my angst one which was:

 And fanfictions aren't suppose to be real nor make any sense for that matter its about enjoying the story, I know this may sound harsh but don't take it in a mean way also I got alot of my angst one which was:

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So please stop pointing things out i know some of you guys may dissagree but thats alright just dont point out things in the story's. Thank you. Have a plus ultra day everyone! 👊❤

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