Happy Valentines Sweety♡~

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3rd Person
It was Feburary 14th in Japan, Kirishima had been up since 6 am and it was now 9:30am, Kirishima had went to the store to buy bakugou some Spicy peppermints (Cause he love spicy ;w;) and some roses. When he got back he set the gifts on the counter then went upstairs to wake up his husband

Kirishima P.O.V
I went upstairs to wake up my husband due to him never being an early riser, I open up the door to the still sleeping bakugou. I climb on the bed, and look at him  'Hes never this Peaceful, but I can't let him sleep in today! We have plans' as I sighed, I nudge bakugou but to no awsner . "Katsuki, babe come up it's time to wake up" I said, continuing to shake him a little. Then a slight groan is heard, I tilt my head to the noise and turn him over. I smile as I finally see him awake but also half asleep "Morning Katsuki" I say softly, "mm- what the fuck do u want.. " he said groaning tireldy "Happy Valantines Day!" I bend down and place a kiss on his forhead making him have a small blush dusted on his cheeks. "Mk..." I chuckle softly at him, "now come on sleepy head we have plans! Today"i say exeitedly "What plans..." "Welll~ first, there's a present for you downstairs. Second, we have to get you out of bed silly "..Go away " "Not until we've celebrated!" "tch..".  I smirk at him as he's about to turn away, I grab him by his shoulder and Go on top of him making my arms support my body and my hands on each side space from his head and shoulders. I bend down and peck him around his face and neck (Not what u think) making him covering his face while smiling and chuckling, I sit down beside him giving him space to sit up.

3rd person
Bakugou sat up with his nose, and cheeks red, his back against the headboard with pillows supporting. "Why the fuck do you always do that!!" Bakugou said with an angered voice but a hint of a soft tone. Kirishima smiles bigger and gets off the bed, walking around to bakugous side then embracing the hot-headed boy into a hug. "Happy Valentines Day katsuki" Kirishima says with a huge ass smile making Bakugou have a small smile on him too. "YA, whatever...now where's my gift?~"

Hey guys.. I'm sorry if this was bad.. I'm dealing with something so it may not be the best.. Happy valantines day guys

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