The life that continues.

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4 years had passed sense the passing of Katsuki Bakugou; their child now at the age of 6 living life as best as they could while for eijirou.. life had become dull for him at times but he knew to never give up. He was a father- no matter how much he missed his beloved husband he knew for bakugous sake he had to continue living and raise their child. .

"Papa! Come onnn quit being so slow, dads gonna be mad you didn't come on time." A little girl ranted holding a boque of flowers in her hand, a yellow dress with blue and red polkadots that reached he waist which had a ribbon . Her dress reached below her knees; "alright alright, calm down" a soft chuckle was admitted from Kirishima being sure to avoid the other Graves, soon enough the two made it to where Bakugou Katsuki rested. The little girl looked towards her papa only to see a saddened express; despite her age she couldn't help but feel sadness within her heart .. going over to the stone and gently laying her head on the top, "I miss dad." She quietly admitted. Eijirou noticed this and quickly fixed his face letting out a small smile "I know. I do too, but hey. If he were here y'know he would've made sure that sad frown was gone within seconds. So smile for him, alright? Go play in the flower field I heard some people there's ladybugs." He pointed

The little girl immideatly brightened up and ran off with her smile back on her face, leaving the redhead alone.. just him and the stone that sat next to him.  As the quietness overtook his head, he gently closed his eyes remembering the months with him, his daughter and bakugou.. The unexpected sickness that overtook Katsuki's body making him unable to move or even to the point where he wouldn't eat for days all because either he couldn't stomach it down or wasn't hungry. Every few days Kirishima and their daughter would visit the blonde in the hospital- just because the blonde was stuck in a room unable to move didn't mean that would effect his loud and short temper nor change him. . This contiued on for months... though finally when the time had came, kirishima never knew that would've been the last kiss and last time he ever saw or heard from Katsuki. Their daughter only witnessed the funeral though was too young to remember or feel anything at the time, though for Kirishima he couldn't stop breaking down for nearly a year. .

"Hey Katsuki. I hope you realize how much I love you. Whether or not you still have your livley personality." Ejirou smirked softly before a small tear developed, trickling down his cheek and landing on a piece of grass. The redhead couldn't help but grip his own hair; the amount of times he wished the blonde was right next time.. just being with him.. if he could just seem him once more.. letting out a heavy and shakey breath as the wind blowed past him. "We miss you. Our daughter told me to tell you she loved you and that her Favorite thing to snack on is spicy stuff, can't believe she took that from you" he openly admitted with a small laugh. He soon enough stood up and looked around for the small girl to his surprise was already on her way back,

"Papa! I found 8 ladybugs! And and! Really pretty flowers for dad!" She exclaimed happily.. after half an hour, it had begun to turn late with the sun finally setting. The small girl who held hands with the redhead waved goodbye to the stone, "Bye dad! We'll be back in a few days, and I swear on God I'll pass my addition quiz! Once I do I'll bring it and show it to you!" She said proudly before looking up to her father who could only be seen wiping his eyes, "watch your language Itsuki." Eijirou warned before placing a hand on the small girls head; giving a soft warm smile before the two eventually left. Kirishima took a final glance at the stone before waving goodbye; giving a soft kiss in the air before he had really left.


Okay. Ignore how bad this is, I just had motivation.

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