"If we were having sex, it would be pretty intrusive to call both of us Nic." She pointed out.

"Where is she?"

"I figured she was with you."

"Why wo-" I stopped and looked at Aubrey, "She's not here... at least I don't think she is. She would've told me."

"Maybe she's avoiding both of us then."

"Why would she do that?"

"Ask her." She hung up.

I played with my phone in my hands as I thought out loud, "she had to have told someone where she went. I don't know why it wasn't me though."

"You think she and Anita had a fight about you maybe? This just sounds like when you-"

"Anita isn't like you, she isn't jealous or anything. So that doesn't make sense, but you're right. Which is why Lydia and I promised to always make sure at least one person knew where we were... even if it wasn't eachother."

I started calling Margo, Rachel, Vanessa and Lydia's mom to figure out who she'd spoken to.


I managed to check into a hotel using cash, because if I used my card Nic would be able to find out exactly where I was. With my phone on do not disturb, I listened to music and took a hot bath. I replayed the conversation with Anita over and over in my head. What she said wasn't true, but admittedly- recent events made it seem that way. But I wasn't going to sit there and argue with Anita over my relationship with Nic- that would be useless. After the bath I stayed in one of the hotel robes and watched Everybody Loves Raymond for the rest of the night as I laid in the bed. I woke up early the next morning and had my mom book me a flight. I got dressed and stopped by the breakfast at the hotel before checking out. I stopped at two ATM machines to take out more cash before heading to the office to find a few outfits and a bag to pack them in from my office. I stopped at another ATM before heading to the airport.

Once I was in the air I decided to send Liyah a text message:

L- Hey hun, good morning. So, I'm clearing my head for a bit.. I would tell you details but I'm kind of flying under the radar and I don't want you to have to lie to Nic or Aubrey. So, you don't know where I am, when I left, or why I left.. but you do know that you're still my fav, and I would've brought you with me if I could. I'll bring you back a souvenir❤️

I landed in Cali by the time Aaliyah messaged me back. I didn't get a chance to read it until I was in an uber on my way to my mom's.

A- R U OK?

L- yes, I promise.

A- srsly?

L- YES. Let's call it a last minute vacation, okay?

A- A secret vacation?

L- yep. Top secret

A- I thought Nicki was the mom who ran away all the time? You're the one that fights.

L- not running away. I'm taking a break, and giving everyone else a break as well. Lets call it reevaluating.

I arrived at my mom's place and she met me at the door.

"Hi I missed you." I hugged her as I entered. "And I have cash to reimburse you."

"Not necessary, but I missed you too- did you eat."

"A bit." I nodded as I handed her the cash anyways.

"Nic's been calling all night asking about you- how long are you gonna hide from her?"

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