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"I said, don't touch me"

"Seth, off" Ronan growled but Seth didn't move.

Seth was incredibly strong for being just half-werewolf. He was more werewolf than human but he never got an inner-wolf. He could turn into a wolf but he had never done it because he never knew he could.

"I am not apart of your stupid family or your pack." Seth growled and shoved Ronan more into the ground.

A/N I know it's not entirely possible to shove someone more into the ground but just go with it okay.

"Give me my car keys and never contact me again" Seth said.

When they had got there Seth had seen his car in the driveway. Killian had probably driven it there since he hadn't moved the same time was Seth moved. Ronan growled at Seth but Seth didn't care. He heard it but he wasn't scared. He probably should've been but he wasn't.

"Seth get off of him" Killian grabbed Seth and pulled him off of Ronan.

Seth turned towards Killian and pushed him. Well more like threw him, Killian flew across the lawn and into a tree. Seth wasn't surprised of his strength, he would've been if this happened earlier but now he wasn't. Killian groaned and glared at Seth.

"what the hell" Ronan breathed out, he didn't think Seth would be able to basically throw Killian.

Cade hadn't moved, he was just staring at Seth. He wasn't confused. He knew there was something different about Seth. Seth was stronger than most humans. Ever since Jayden had hit him for the first time, Seth had changed. Before Jayden, Seth was just an ordinary human. He was stronger but he had the same weaknesses as humans.

Now, he was more like a werewolf than a human. Before anything could happen Ember Boyce (Seth's step-mum) walked out and her eyes widened.

"what the hell is happening?!" Ember yelled.

"He's stronger than Killian" Ronan whispered but Ember heard clearly.

"Jesus Christ. Seth, honey." Ember said and approached him.

Cade grabbed Seth's arm to calm him down. Seth was extremely angry and Cade didn't want him to attack Ember.

"Listen to me alright?" Ember said and Seth nodded slowly. Cade's touch had immediately calmed him down.

"You're half-werewolf. Your father is a werewolf. This could be a lot to take in but I was just wondering did something happen in school? Like something that angered you? Did you get in a fight?" Ember said and Seth stared into her frost coloured eyes.

"Yeah" Seth chuckled bitterly "Got beaten the fuck out off. Oh and a guy ripped a screw out of my foot too." Ember was speechless, she didn't think something that bad could've happened to him. "I still have a scar from it too"

"Thanks by the way. For sending me to that shit hole. Couldn't even fucking fight back" Seth grumbled.

"still can't, even if I wanted to I wouldn't" Seth whispered.

"why?" Ember asked and reached out to cup Seth's face.

Seth leaned in to her touch, she was the one that had made him forget about Hope.

"Because I deserve getting beat up, or well. Maybe I don't but I don't care either. If he wants me to be his stupid rag doll then so be it. I don't fucking care. One day I'll probably snap and beat the shit out of him" Seth shrugged.

"You need to control your temper, I already know how you can control your temper" She said and glanced towards Cade.

"He calmed you down by just touching your arm. You have a connection ." She smiled.

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