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Cade and Seth were both really happy after the other day. Instead of doing anything intimate with each other, they had just hugged and talked about personal stuff.

Cade knew a lot about Seth, Seth had even went into detail why he had gotten sent to Hawking High and why his brother hated it.

But of course someone had to ruin Cade's day, not Seth's this time.

Cade stumbled back when something hard connected with him. "The fuck dude?" Cade mumbled and looked up at the person who bumped into him.

"The fuck Jared?!" Cade yelled and Jared flinched, "I told you not to fucking touch me again" Cade yelled and stood up.

Jared had been one of Cade's closest friends, they came to Hawking high at the same time and instantly clicked. But Jared ruined everything when he almost raped Cade. Yeah you read it right, Jared almost raped him and Cade hadn't forgotten.

"Cade calm the fuck down he didn't mean it" Monty one of Cade's friends said. He never knew why Cade became so snappy towards Jared, Cade never told him and he wasn't planning on it either.

Cade glared at Monty when he grabbed his arm. "Don't do anything you'll regret, I don't know why you guys aren't talking anymore but it's getting ridiculous" Monty said truthfully, he liked both Jared and Cade and he hated the fact that they weren't friends anymore, if Monty wanted to hang out with Jared he had to do it in secret. Because if Cade found out, he would be furious.

Jared stepped closer to Cade, Cade watched his every move. He wanted to have a reason to punch Jared and if Jared did touch him, Jared would be dead meat.

"Cade, I'm sorry for what I did to you. Can't you get over it?" Jared asked, he wanted to be friends with Cade again.

Cade scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, he scoffed again and glared at Jared. Cade hated Jared for what he did to him but he was also a little scared of him. He didn't want Jared to touch him because Cade had tried so hard to forget everything about Jared and if Jared did touch him all the memories he had tried to forget would come back.

"Please?" Jared stepped closer and Cade was about to take a step back but Monty stood behind him.

"Give him a chance man. He wants to be your friend again" Monty said and pushed Cade towards Jared.

Even if Monty didn't push Cade hard, Jared was standing really close to them and Cade bumped into his chest. Cade didn't move when Jared wrapped his arms around him, hugging him.

Cade's body stiffened and all the horrible memories of that night came flooding back. "Get off me" Cade said but Jared pulled him closer and tightened his grip.

"See? That wasn't so ba-" Monty started but stopped when Cade shoved Jared back. "Cade what the-" Monty saw tears running down Cade's face. Cade had never cried in front of anyone, he hated crying, he thought it made him look weak. "Cade?" Monty whispered and touched Cade's shoulder. Cade flinched and looked at Monty.

Cade looked back at Jared, he was smirking. "What? It was just a simple hug Cade, why the hell are you crying?" Monty asked, his eyes trailing between Cade and Jared.

"A simple fucking hug?!" Cade seethed and Monty flinched, even Jared flinched when he heard the anger in Cade's voice. Cade had never raised his voice towards his friends. He never raised his voice, ever.

Cade looked at Monty, he was scared, he wasn't scared of Cade but seeing Cade this angry did scare him a little. "You think I would react like I fucking did if it was just a simple fucking hug?!" Cade yelled and now everyone was staring at him.

Cade looked at Jared, who flinched when he saw how angry Cade was. "Did you really think hugging me would make everything fucking better?!" Cade shouted at Jared who shook his head.

"After everything you did to me?!" Cade shouted and Jared's eyes widened. "Stop, Cade don't" Jared whispered and grabbed Cade's arm.

Cade jerked his arm away from Jared's grip. "What!? You don't want me to tell everyone?!" Cade scoffed and pushed Jared. People started murmuring about how crazy Cade was acting.

"About the fact that you almost fucking raped me?!" Cade shouted and everyone went silent. "I was 14! Why would you do that to a 14 year old" Cade asked, before he could do anything to Jared, a hand grabbed him.

Cade looked at the person who had grabbed him and he immediately calmed down. It was Seth. 

"Go back to our dorm." Was the only thing Seth said to Cade before turning towards Jared.

"I thought I recognised you" Seth said and Jared stared at him blankly. "Ah you don't remember me." Seth said to himself before taking a step closer to Jared.

"You're the dude my brother had a fling with" Seth said and Jared's eyes widened. "Your brother?" Jared whispered and Seth scoffed.

"Wow, how could you forget about someone like Killian" Seth laughed sarcastically.

"and well me" Seth said "Wait you're Killian's brother?" Jared said, Killian had never ever told Jared he had siblings.

"Yeah he probably didn't want to tell you since he knew what you were capable of" Seth nodded and pursed his lips. "Capable of doing things to people without their consent"

"Shut up, I always ask before I do anything" Jared scoffed and crossed his arms. "Do you really though?!" Monty yelled out of fucking nowhere. Seth had forgotten about Monty's entire existence.

Before Jared could even blink he was hit in the jaw, by Monty. It took a lot for Monty to get angry since he was always really happy and bubbly.

"What the fuck?!" Jared yelled and grabbed his throbbing jaw. "You deserved it" Seth said cockily.

 "You deserved it" Seth said cockily

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