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Seth walked into his room and he was surprised to see Cade was nowhere to be seen. "Finally some alone time" Seth chuckled to himself as he took his shirt off.

He had sometimes changed infront of Cade, not completely nude but he had never exactly shown his back, whenever he did change in front of Cade, his back was always towards a wall. He had whip marks all over his back. Even when he showered, he usually went at midnight when he knew nobody else would be there.

He had been abused by his biological parents, his biological dad used to take his anger out on him. His dad had been an street fighter and whenever he lost fights, he would take out his anger on Seth.

He walked over to the desk they had in the room and sat on it facing the window and looking outside. He grabbed a small notebook and started writing.

He wrote poetry. A guy like him wrote poetry. Whenever he told anyone he loved to write poetry they would be shocked. Since well they didn't think a guy like him would be able to even write poetry.

He hadn't heard the door open. Cade chuckled when he glanced over to Seth and saw him writing. Cade was the only one who knew he wrote poetry, besides from his family. Since he was his roommate after all. He had actually caught Seth writing a couple of nights ago.

When he fully looked at him, his jaw dropped. "What the fuck" Cade mumbled to himself as he stepped closer to Seth.

Why the fuck does he have whip marks on his back? Cade thought to himself. Cade walked closer, he knocked over a small bottle causing Seth to flinch.

He turned around, his eyes wide. Case's eyes widened when he saw Seth's abdomen, it was covered in whip marks as well. Seth looked around, desperately looking for his discarded t shirt that he had thrown on the other side of the room.

Cade walked up to Seth. "What.." Cade whispered.

"Don't scare me like that." Seth mumbled.

"How did you get those?" Cade asked. Seth sighed before he sat down on the desk again.

"My biological parents abused me." Seth said. "You mean you're adopted?" Cade said and Seth nodded.

"Want to tell me about it?" Cade asked softly. Seth stood up and fidgeted with his fingers before nodding hesitantly. "I..My biological dad he was a street fighter, he was pretty strong and whenever he had lost a fight, he was really angry and he used to take his anger out on me. Since I was the only one that could take it..I had a sister but she's dead. My dad, he 'accidentally' killed her." Seth sighed.

"He used to whip you..?" Cade asked softly and Seth nodded. "But what are those scars?" Cade asked and pointed at a scar. "Oh I almost forgot I had that" Seth chuckled. "My dad he used to collect old stuff, knives and guns, y'know? I don't really remember but he used to sometimes want to try them out on something and well.. he tried them on me. I was so young that I don't even really remember if it hurt or not" Seth explained.

"The whip scars aren't as bad as they were. I don't even know how he used to whip me but he used to use so much of his strength just to whip me. There used to be deep cuts and he used a real whip. I don't even know where he got it from" Seth sighed.

"Are you over it tho?" Cade asked and Seth's mouth opened slightly.

"Are you worried about me?" Seth asked and raised a brow.

"What?! N..No! I would never be worried about you" Cade said and started fidgeting with his fingers.

"You like me." Seth said in a surprised tone.

"Oh stop looking so fucking surprised Seth" Cade scoffed.

"Just because you're hot and have an amazing body, you should've known I liked you" Cade said and Seth glared.

"How was I supposed to know? I told you I liked you earlier and then I ran away because you looked disgusted." Seth stated to which Cade just rolled his eyes.

"I was gonna tell you I liked you, you're stupid" Cade said and Seth scoffed. "Well why didn't you stop me then?" Seth said.

"Because..." Cade started but didn't finish because he didn't have a reason for not stopping Seth. "Okay fine I admit it, I was scared to tell you." Cade said.

"But I'm not as scared anymore." Cade said and Seth nodded. "Okay..but we..we'll take things slow right?" Seth asked and Cade smirked. "Yeah we'll take things slow. For now." Cade said and Seth rolled his eyes.

"How'd you end up here anyways?" Seth asked out of nowhere.

"Did some bad stuff." Cade shrugged.

"Gee could've never guessed. What did you do?" Seth asked again.

"I started hanging with bad people. They dealt drugs, I started dealing drugs because of them too, got busted by the cops. They all blamed it on me." Cade explained. "So you're basically innocent?" Seth said hesitantly.

Cade snorted. "If you could call all the fights I've caused in this place innocent then yeah, I guess" Cade shrugged. "My mum hated me for it. Still does. She blamed it on me too even if I told her I had nothing to do with it, I guess she can't really blame me anymore though..." Cade said with a small tint of sadness in his voice.

Seth didn't notice it, he just stared at Cade. Cade had secrets, Seth knew that. However he didn't know how big those secrets were.

Seth nodded softly, Cade looked both angry and sad, Seth could only tell he was angry tho. "You gonna stare at me forever or?" Cade asked and looked at Seth, who's eyes widened.

"What the hell Cade? how the hell did you know I was looking at you?" Seth asked, Cade kept surprising Seth with weird things, he could tell when Seth was looking at him and it weirded Seth out.

"I can tell when you're looking at me. I can also hear really well so if you ever try to sneak out, don't, I'll 100% wake up" Cade said and Seth nodded hesitantly.

"Long-legged bastard" Seth mumbled and stood up. "What does that have to with anything we were just talking about?!" Cade said and looked at Seth in disbelief.

"Pfft, you have long legs. you practically touched me every time you moved your fucking knee" Seth scoffed. "You have long legs too!" Cade said and Seth smirked. "You're staring at my legs?" Seth said cockily.

"Oh shut up, you stupid fucker." Cade said and rolled his eyes. "Alrighty" Seth mumbled and left their dorm.

"He's the stupid fucker" Seth mumbled while smiling.

"Ah finally I found you" A husky voice sounded behind Seth. Seth frowned and turned around.

"Shit" Seth said when he saw Jayden in front of him. Seth took a step backwards to which Jayden took a step forward.

Jayden sneered when he saw the look in Seth's eyes. Fear. "You're scared now, aren't you?" Jayden said huskily.

"I've been trying to find you for ages. But now I know where your dorm is and who your roommate is. If you tell him, I will make your life worse than I'm planning on doing" Jayden smirked.

Well shit. My life is fucked

Well shit, Seth's life is fucked. Oopsies. (_)


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