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"The principal is supposed to leave in a couple of hours. I think he'll leave when this class ends." Liam said. Seth and Liam had actually become friends, he was Seth's only friend in Hawking high at the moment.

Well except for Cade, but Seth didn't see Cade as a friend, he saw him as just his roommate and the guy he could get a boner from by just looking at him.

"You mean" Seth started and looked at the clock. "In a bout 7 minutes?" Seth glared at Liam. 

"I never asked you this but where are you from?" Liam asked sheepishly Seth, they didn't know a lot about each other but just enough to be able to hang out. 

"Aberdeen" Seth answered and looked at Liam who had a confused expression. 

"Where?" Liam whispered. Seth smacked the back of Liam's head, Liam hissed. 

"Scotland, you idior." Seth whisper yelled, Liam nodded and glared at Seth. Since Seth glared at Liam a lot for bothering him, Liam had started glaring at Seth too. It had become a habit to them. To just glare at each other across the classroom if they had class together. The bell rang and Seth tensed up. 

"Try not to die alright? And don't try and show off your strength because if you do.." Liam warned and Seth nodded. 

"Yeah you too shithead" Seth said and pushed Liam out of his way and walked out of the classroom.

It was quiet. Too quiet in Seth's opinion. Seth kept his cool and remained expressionless. He even remained expressionless when Liam was around, sometimes he would smile, but seeing him smile was as rare as seeing an eel on land. 

Really fucking rare. 

But in the dorm he was himself, grumpy in fact. He was a night owl and hated waking up. Most of the times he would get dragged out of bed by Cade. 

Literally dragged out of bed. 

That was usually why he was grumpy, sometimes he was happy since Cade was someone he could talk to about everything but he still didn't think Cade was his friend.

Seth flinched when he heard a loud bang. He turned around and his eyes widened. Seth had never actually seen Jayden or as the school likes to call him. Beast. He certainly lived up to that nickname Seth thought.

"Not gonna run?" Jayden called and Seth seemed to snap out of his thoughts. 

"Shit" Seth said when Jayden was about to punch him but Seth moved out of the way and ran the other direction taking the longer way to his dorm. When he entered his dorm he was out of breath but he remembered to lock the door at least. Cade's brows furrowed when he saw Seth. 

"Met him" Seth wheezed. 

"You mean Jayden?" Cade asked and Seth nodded.

"No, Santa." Seth answered sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "Yes, I met Jayden."  

"you okay?" Cade asked and Seth looked at him with wide eyes.

"Peachy. Fucking peachy" Set seethed and sat down beside Cade on the bottom bunk. 

"I can distract you" Cade said with a slight smirk. 

"What do you mean distract me?" Seth asked and Cade smiled. 

"oh I don't know.." Cade said and grabbed Seth's wrist.

"What are you" Seth yelped when Cade pulled him on top of him. 

"Cade what're you-" Seth said but was cut of by Cade kissing his neck. 

"S..Stop" Seth whispered and placed his hands against Cade's chest, trying to push him away. 

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