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Seth's knuckles were red and covered in blood. Casper had driven him over the edge by involving his family into their argument. Seth had somehow knocked Casper unconscious and right now he was lying in a pool of his own blood. 

He didn't want to stop hitting him even after he had realized Casper was unconscious. Eventually Seth had stopped after seeing how much blood Casper was covered in and how much blood he was covered in. 

"Fuck" Seth mumbled as he ran into his dorm and immediately went into the bathroom. He had forgotten he even had a roommate. Cade flinched by the loud bang that was heard when the door hit the wall, almost breaking it off it's hinges. 

Tears started streaming down Seth's cheeks when he frantically washed the blood off of his hands. Cade was leaning against the door frame, he hadn't even looked at the red colored water in the sink. He was just looking at Seth. Seth grabbed the edge of the sink, sobbing quietly. 

"You okay?" Cade asked gently after hearing him sob. Seth didn't answer so Cade walked closer to him and noticed his knuckles.

"What.. Seth what did you do?" Cade asked, slightly horrified. Even if Cade was one of the top dogs of the school he didn't fight as much as he used to. He had learnt how to control his anger and how to manipulate people. He had never cared for someone before.

But for some reason the blonde who was standing in front of him had changed him. Cade hadn't slept for days, since Seth hadn't come back to the dorm. He cared for Seth. Seth turned around and looked at him. He wrapped his arms around Cade's neck and hugged him. 

"Tell me what happened" Cade said and Seth shook his head and grabbed at Cade's shirt. 

"Casper.. he's..." Seth started but it cut off with a sob. 

"Where is he?" 


"I'll go find him okay?" Cade said and Seth nodded slightly. Cade walked out of their dorm and started looking for Casper. He didn't have to look for that long, he found him pretty quickly. He almost scoffed at the sight of students surrounding Casper but not doing anything, he pushed through the crowd and gasped quietly when he saw Casper. 

"What the hell have you guys been doing?! Just fucking standing there?! He could die!" Cade seethed at all the students around. Some of the students came over to help Cade with Casper while some backed off. 

Cade made his way back to the dorm to check on Seth. When he opened the door to their dorm his eyes widened at the sight before him, Seth was sitting on his bed crying. 

"Hey..Seth it's okay he didn't die." 

"I should." Seth whispered, Cade shook his head and knelt down in front of him.

"You're supposed to live Seth." Cade whispered and put his hand on his knee. 

"I almost killed him.." 

"But you didn't." 

"Ah..you're something else.." Seth whispered with a slight chuckle, wiping away his tears. 

"Why do you care for me anyways?" 

"I don't know." Cade answered and he nodded. He wanted to hear something else, maybe even Cade telling him he liked him. 

Ah I'm just going through a phase it's fine, the feelings I have for him will be gone soon. He thought to himself. 

He stood up and was about to climb up to the top bunk but stopped and looked at Cade. Cade had stood up too. They stared at each other in silence for a little while until Cade decided to speak up. 

"You just seem like someone I should look out for." Seth laughed. 

"What the hell are you laughing for?" Cade asked and kicked Seth's leg. Seth yelped as he fell backwards. Cade caught him but he lost his balance when Seth tried steadying his balance, Seth tried helping him but ended up falling with him.

When they fell their faces where mushed together. Their lips too. Seth's eyes widened as he tried getting off Cade but couldn't. Cade put his hand on Seth's neck and started kissing him, he didn't even realise it himself when he did. 

what the fuck. Seth thought to himself

His eyes were wide when he felt Cade kiss him but eventually he started kissing him back. Cade pulled back when he realised what he had done and just stared at Seth. Seth glanced at him and sighed as he climbed off him. 

He really did like Cade, but he didn't know in which way. Romantically? Or just as a friend? 

"I.. sorry about that" Cade chuckled awkwardly. 

"It's...It's fine, it uh wasn't really your fault" 

"Sorry for uh..what happened earlier.. in the hallway, I didn't mean to snap at you like that" Seth said and glanced at him. 

"It's fine, you got mad." 

"Fuck." Seth groaned and laid back on the ground and stared at the ceiling.  "Can't believe I did that to Casper." 

"He's okay." Cade reassured. 

"yeah I know but.. I didn't even think I was capable of doing something that bad to someone." 

"We were just verbally fighting but then he started talking about my family, how the fuck was I supposed to know me and him are related?!" He exclaimed in disbelief. 

"He's my cousin. I beat the fuck out of my cousin." Seth said and sat up. He ran his hand over his face. 

"Fuck, if I'm not dead when I get out of here my dad is 100% gonna kill me" Seth said and Cade chuckled. 

"He won't kill you.. at least I don't think he would. Would he?" Cade asked and Seth shrugged. 

"Okay maybe not my dad but...fuck my mom dude."  

"I'm gonna get ripped in half." Seth whispered, he was horrified. 

"She can't be that bad can she?" 

"No you don't get it, my mom's great at controlling her anger." 

"She has this anger inside her that I never see. But when my mom found out what I had done to that one kid. She scared me so bad. It felt like my soul had left my fucking body." Seth said and Cade laughed. 

"Oh my god.. I'm gonna die" Seth said and screamed slightly and Cade kept laughing. 

"Stop laughing it's not funny!" Seth yelled which caused Cade to laugh more.

 "I'm telling my mom that you're bullying me, let's see how much you'll be laughing when she gets her hands on you" Seth threatened and Cade stopped laughing immediately.

Seth's mom is a literal badass. '(*><*)′


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