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"Seth knows? You told him everything? And you did not lie?" Nico asked Cade. 

They decided to talk more since Seth and Liam knew they were brothers now. They were in the school back yard sitting on the grass. 

"Yeah I told him everything, and I didn't lie. Don't use that type of speech with me either Nico." Cade grumbled. 

Nico sometimes spoke the way their mother would speak to them when they had done something bad. 

"What? Am I not allowed to talk to you this way?" Nico smirked, he knew he was getting on his brothers nerves. 

"Shut up, I get it. You think it was a bad idea telling Seth since he's human and you're also scared of what dad'll do to Liam" 

"Now you're the one that should shut up" Nico grumbled. They loved each other but they got on each other's nerves a lot. 

"Well well. Who's this Liam you two are talking about?" A voice said from behind them, they both stood up at the same time and spun around. 

Cade's eyes widened and he looked at the ground. "What're you doing here?" Nico asked, he wasn't scared of their dad. He hated him more than Cade but he had to do what he said or his dad would do something to Cade. 

"I'm taking you home." Damien said through gritted teeth. Nico frowned at him "Really?" Nico asked. 

"Yes, your coronation it tomorrow and you'll be crowned alpha of the clan" Damien explained. 

Nico glanced at Cade who had shuffled behind him. "Why isn't Kallie the next leader? She's older" 

"Do not bring your sister in to this, you are supposed to be the next leader. Now come on, I'm not waiting any longer" Damien demanded but his son didn't move. 

"I am glad you haven't found your mate, they would be so disappointed in you" Damien hissed. Nico crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. "So you haven't heard, have you father?"  

"Heard what?" Damien asked, he was curious but at the same time he wasn't. 

Nico laughed and looked at his dad "Wow, guess words in the vampire world don't spread as fast as I thought" 

Cade snickered behind him but stopped when their dad glared at him. 

"I have found my mate, and I'm not leaving him. I don't care about the clan. You're forcing me to become alpha of a clan I don't care about" 

"So it is a him, I should've known you would turn out like your sister" Damien grumbled and both Nico and Cade frowned. Their sister was happily married with 3 kids. She had a husband and not a wife. 

"Well then. Cade pack your bags you will be punished for what Nico has done" Damien demanded and Nico's eyes widened. 

He didn't want Cade to get hurt. "Why the fuck are you punishing Cade?! He didn't do anything!" Nico shouted and pushed Cade more behind him. 

"Ah so now you care? When I put your brother's life at risk you care? Maybe I should've done that more when you were a kid" Damien smirked. 

"Pack your bags Cade, we're leaving." 

"No you're not, he's also found his mate. He can't leave him." Nico growled and Damien's eyes widened. 

"A him?! A him Cade?!" Damien shouted and Nico frowned. 

He was fine with Nico's soulmate being a guy but not Cade's? Cade had gotten the vision a couple of nights ago, and it was of Seth. He had woken up and immediately told Seth. 

"You're bothered that Cade has a male soulmate but not bothered that I have one?! What type of a father does that to his own son?!" Nico shouted. 

"Son?! He's not even my son! Your mother was a whore! She slept with someone else and got pregnant, then she slept with me the same day and told me the child was mine! But nothing can stay a secret for so long" Damien growled and glared at Cade. 

Nico looked at Cade who had a shocked expression. Now that Nico looked closer he saw that Cade looked nothing like their father. Cade's hair was practically white while Nico's hair was black. Their mother had black hair and so did Damien. Both him and Cade had more of their mothers features. 

"So what? I'm glad Cade doesn't have the same blood as you. That's why it was easier to punish him right? Because he's not your blood? Seriously if I had known that I would've killed you the moment I had a fucking chance." Nico said and saw his father clench his jaw. 

Nico smirked, he had gotten under Damien's skin. 

"What? Not happy to hear your son wants you dead?" Nico scoffed. 

"Cade! C'mon!" Someone yelled and they all looked towards them. 

"Seth go!" Cade yelled and looked at Damien. 

Damien smirked, he wanted to know who Cade's mate was, he didn't have to ask. He already knew it was Seth. 

Seth's eyes widened and he took a step back. "Run for fucks sake Seth!" Cade yelled when Seth was frozen in place. 

"So this is your mate Cade?" Damien chuckled "He knows about vampires but...oh. Wow, your bond is..strong. What a shame it would be if someone just took him from you Cade" Damien smirked when he saw the look on Cade's face.  Cade didn't look scared, he looked angry. He didn't want Seth to get hurt so he did the only thing he could think of. 

He lunged at Damien. 

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