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Jayden was dragging Seth down the halls, his bloody foot leaving traces behind them. Some guards even saw them but they didn't stop Jayden.

"Let me go!" Seth yelled while trying to get out of Jayden's grasp. "Okay" Jayden smirked and dropped Seth.

"I didn't mean like th-" Seth got cut off by Jayden kicking him hard in the stomach. Seth's eyes widened when he felt the pain of the kick, Jayden's kicks were much harder than his hits. 

Jayden smirked when he saw Seth's face. Jayden kicked him again in the same spot and Seth curled up into a ball, trying to soothe the pain himself.

There was a faint gasp and Seth looked up, in the direction he had heard the gasp. Liam was standing looking at them with his eyes wide and his jaw clenched.

"Seth!" Liam yelled and ran towards them. 

"Trying to take me on Boyd?" Jayden laughed. Liam was much smaller than Jayden but he didn't want to see Seth hurt.

Liam threw a punch at Jayden but he dodged it. Liam's eyes were filled with rage when Jayden punched him. Jayden stepped closer to Liam about to punch him but Liam stopped him. 

"Nico's coming" Was the only thing Liam said that got Jayden to back away.

Jayden scanned Liam's face to make sure he was telling the truth but he couldn't tell if he was. Liam was great at hiding his emotions, that meant he was a great liar too. 

"Better leave before he comes and beats the shit out of your for hurting us" Liam snarled and Jayden smirked.

"He's no stronger than me" Jayden said cockily. Liam liked his bottom lip and scoffed. 

"He is, just because you haven't ever fought him doesn't mean he's weaker than you. He's much bigger and much stronger, Jayden. So leave before he gets here" Liam threatened and Jayden got the message and left them immediately.

"You okay?" Liam rushed over to Seth after Jayden had left. 

"yeah I don't think I have any broken ribs so that's good" Seth sighed in relief. "You have to tell Cade" Liam said.

Seth ignored him, he didn't want to tell Cade, in case telling him would hurt him.

"Why did he call you Boyd?" Seth asked as Liam helped him stand. "It's my last name, Liam Boyd" Liam explained and Seth frowned. "How does he know your last name?" Seth asked.

Liam shrugged. "Guess he just does" Liam muttered, Jayden didn't know anyone else's last names, only Liam's, and Liam had no clue how he'd even found it out. 

"fuck my side hurts like a bitch" Seth chuckled and hissed at the same time. "Dude don't laugh if it hurts" Liam laughed softly as he opened the door to Seth's dorm.

"You'll be okay here on your own?" Liam said and helped Seth lie on the couch. "Yeah I just need a little help with my foot" Seth pointed at his foot.

"You little- why didn't you tell me your foot was hurt too?!" Liam scolded and crouched down next to the couch. "I have a med kit in my backpack" Seth said and Liam pursed his lips.

Liam opened his mouth to ask Seth why he had a med kit with him but before he could say anything Seth answered him, like he could read Liam's mind.

"my stepmom forces me to bring a med kit with me wherever I go" Seth said and Liam nodded and fetched the med kit out of Seth's backpack.

"Is it deep?" Seth asked and Liam glared at him. "How am I supposed to know that? I'm supposed to clean it first!" Liam snapped and Seth looked at him with wide eyes.

"Jesus christ calm down" Seth mumbled and Liam grabbed a small cloth and put it on the small wound and pressed down. Seth hissed and hit Liam's back. 

"what?! I'm helping you!" Liam whisper yelled "Yeah but it hurt!" Seth whisper yelled back.

They were bickering like an old married couple and hadn't realised Cade had walked in. He was looking at them with a 'why do I know these two' look. Cade focused on Seth's foot and saw the bloody cloth but he locked his gaze to Seth's face instead.

Liam took the cloth off of Seth's foot and threw it on him. "You little-" Before Seth was able to say anything Liam had already put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and was dabbing it on the wound.

Seth clenched his eyes shut and hissed and Liam mumbled 'sorry' every time Seth's body jerked a little.

Soon enough the wound was all clean and bandaged. Liam stood up and faced Cade. "Oh hey, didn't realise you were here, he's all yours now" Liam patted Cade's shoulder as he left.

Cade looked at Liam's face when he passed him, he had a bruise under his eye. Cade looked over at Seth "What happened?"

"I stepped on a screw down in the cafeteria and then I tried limping back here but I fell down the stairs and Liam helped me back here" Seth lied. For once Cade believed his lie.

"You okay?" Cade asked and crouched down next to Seth and placed his hand on Seth's knee. "Yeah I'm okay. All patched up" Seth chuckled.

"Good" Cade smiled widely and Seth smiled back. "First time I've actually seen you smile at me" Cade pointed out and Seth glared at him. "aaand now you're back to normal" Cade said jokingly.

Seth glared at Cade but couldn't help laughing. "Why the hell are you laughing?" Cade asked, mildly concerned because he'd never seen Seth genuinely laugh, he thought Seth was laughing at him but that wasn't the case. Seth wasn't actually laughing because he thought something was funny. He was laughing at himself.

Cade became not only more concerned from him but worried as well when he heard Seth sniffle. "Seth what the hell why are you crying?" Cade asked and put his hand on Seth's cheek. His thumb making small circles on Seth's cheek. 

"I'm pathetic" Seth said while laugh-crying. Cade shook his head and opened his mouth to argue with Seth but before he could say anything Seth answered him.  

"I'm pathetic for liking you"

Seth confessed, fully confessed to liking Cade, wonder how that'll go.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! I may start publishing new chapters more irregularly since I do still have school even if I'm on quarantine, I have a lot of school work and I love writing this book but I'm not gonna be able to publish new chapters everyday anymore, I'm sorry :(

I hope you guys liked this chapter! I may start publishing new chapters more irregularly since I do still have school even if I'm on quarantine, I have a lot of school work and I love writing this book but I'm not gonna be able to publish new chap...

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