Its my birthday. Chpt 34

Comenzar desde el principio

"I just don't think there real it's just caus I'm stressed, but they are pretty freaking terrifying" she said shaking her head.

Allison smiled and grabbed her arm squeezing her hand.

"We're both here for you" Allison said smiling at the two of us.

"Same for you Allison!" I said as she wrapped her arms around the two of us.


"Happy birthday to us!!" I scream a little as Allison Lydia and I chug a glass of the alcoholic punch Lydia had concocted.

In a few minutes the door bell was ringing repetidly but Jackson Scott and Stiles still weren't here.

I smiled talking to some random jock as he handed me a present!

"Thanks" I said before walking to the punch bowl and placing the present in the pile I had made right next to it.

After placing it down I chugged another cup of punch. My head began to feel dizzy but I guess that was the effect I was going for.

I walked over to the door opening it and seeing Stiles smiling face. He had his hands shoved in his pockets for a minute before he pulled one out and reached it for my arm and pulled me out the door and down the steps.

"You love him still don't you?" Stiles asked me.

"Excuse me?!?" I asked confused my head pounding.

"Scott, you love Scott I can tell." Stiles said clenching his fists.

"No I don't!" I cried out as he began pacing angrily.

At that point Scott showed up pushing me behind him.

"Brooke it's ok you don't need to lie to him anymore." Scott said moving over to stiles.

"She loved me and she always will, she slept with me she kissed me while you were dating she was begging for more Stiles ask her." Scott said as Stiles fist connected with his face.

"Omigod Stiles no!! What are you doing he's lying!!"

"Stay out of this Brooke!" Stiles yelled as Scott got off the ground tackling Stiles to the ground and hitting him repeatedly.

I just let out more screams and crys.
"Stop it stop it both of you!!!"

"You know bro she's right we should stop! We aren't the ones slutting around hooking up with both friends." Scott said turning to me and cracking his knuckles and neck.

"You're right this is all your fault Brooke... We should be hurting you like you hurt the both of us." Stiles mumbled standing as I turned to run back to the front of my house.

My dress was getting stuck on my legs I lifted it up so I could run faster.

Turning around to see if Scott and Stiles were still behind me I bumped into someone by accident.

At that point I didn't care who it was I was just gripping onto them for dear life.

"They're gunna get me help me please!!" I screamed into the persons shoulder.

Looking up I made eye contact with the one person I didn't want to see.

"Omigod Stiles how'd you get over here I'm sorry I'm so sorry please don't hurt me I didn't mean to-"

"Brooke Brooke shhh shhh, babe what are you talking about I just got here I'm not going to hurt you." He said placing a large box onto the ground and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"But Stiles you and Scott were just fighting over- over there" I said pointing in the direction of the area where they were fighting just seconds ago.

"Brooke, Scott isn't even here yet." I let out a sigh as I looked into Stiles' eyes.

"I must've had more to drink then I thought..." I said looking up at him as he embraced me into a hug.

He let me go after a few seconds and lifted up the box carrying it in the door.

"We can open this later!" Stiles said as he reached for my hand after placing the box on my steps and grabbing a cup of punch.

"Ok sounds like a plan." I say as he pulls me to my couch in the living room of people.

Pulling me onto his lap on the couch my head hits his chest and my heavy eyes begin to flutter closed.

Stiles pov

Looking down at Brooke as she closed her eyes I felt my head begin to fog up, usually I have an ok tolerance for alcohol but I guess whatever Lydia put in that punch was really strong.

I leaned my head back closing my eyes and running my hand that wasn't stroking Brooke's hair over my face.

When I reopened My eyes I saw my father.

Pealing Brooke off of me being careful not to disturb her sleep I grabbed his arm and pulled him out onto the porch.

He had a bottle of whiskey in his hand and he looked groggy.

"Son are you serious? First you're responsible for your mothers death and then you almost let Brooke die. And now you have her sprawled on you drunk." My dad insulted.

"What are you talking about I am not responsible for moms death." I said shaking my head.. I couldn't be.

"Yes you were you're responsible for hers and soon to be mine and Brooke's what's wrong with you?" He threw the bottle of liquor at my head causing me to duck.

The bottle smashed and when I looked up my father was gone.

Brooke was right I must have drank more than I assumed of what was in that punch.

I closed the door and turned to go back inside.

Seeing Brooke already awake and looking at Scott who sat next to her we heard the cop sirens.

I grabbed Brooke's arm as Scott got up and we ran towards the door again.

Brooke grabbed the bowl of punch dumping it onto the flowers as the cops arrived to the door steps.

"Mr Stilinski mrs Martin we are officially shutting this party down." The man said as he walked away trying to clear kids out of the front yard.

Brooke grabbed my arm and pointed. I followed her arm and then her finger in the direction and it was pointing straight towards the Kanema and Matt.


Here you go guys sorry for the late update!!!!

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