Love me? Love me not?. Chpt 7

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As I walked out of the locker room I noticed the ambulance next to the field. It was loading someone into it.

I ran over to where everyone was gathered and I saw my sister behind a circle of players looking entirely pissed off.

"Lydia... What's wrong?? Who's in there?"

"Your stupid ex best friend body checked Jackson into the ground. He's hurt and we need to follow the ambulance to the hospital. Ok??"

"Ok got it."

I said following her to the car not wanting to get on her bad side.

If I were to have ever told her that lacrosse was just a sport and that it didn't matter if they lost one game. She would flip a shit on me.

You see unlike my self, my sister can be, well, a little self centered. I mean I know she loves Jackson and everything but I know for a fact shed love him slightly less if our team stopped winning.

"Hey Stiles!"

I said into the phone laying back onto my bed. It was already almost two by the time we got home from the hospital.

"Hey Bro-bee, what's up?"

"Oh um nothing I just wanted to call and let you know about Jackson."

I said nervously.

"Oh god, lay it on me, tell me how much damage our angry werewolf did this time."

I giggled at his comment.

"Brooke this is serious. Tell me what happened so I know if I can trust Scott to play or not this weekend."

"Ok well um, Jackson seperate his shoulder."

I waited for a responses. When there wasn't one I continued.

"And he also most likely can't play in the game this Friday."

I waited again.

"God damn it, of course he can't. And Scott might not be able to play which means we are done for."

"Stiles we still have you and all the other players, two players don't make up a team."

"Haha your funny, two players definetly makes up our team, maybe three if you count Danny in goal."

"Stiles don't worry it's just a game and everything will work out!"

I heard him sigh into the phone

"You know sometimes your just a little too optimistic. I mean your not a glass half empty or half full kinda girl, you look at it like the glass is full and always will be full."

I tried to process what he just said. And at this comment I saw my chance to question him about our conversation from earlier.

"Is that why you don't want to talk to me anymore?"

"Huh?" Stiles said into the phone.

"Do you need to distance yourself from me because I'm too optimistic?" I pushed on.

"What are you talking about Brooke?" I cringed at his tone he sounded so annoyed.

"You said this morning you needed a break from me. Why?" Raising my voice I waited for his response.

"I-I uh,"

"You what Stiles? Because I read those messages and all I think is that I'm gunna end up losing you too, and then I'll have no one."

Tears started to well in my eyes.

"You said you'd never do this to me." I whispered into the phone which stayed silent.

"I wasn't thinking I was being stupid. Okay? I never meant anything by it. I-I um just needed time to figure out what was going on with Scott. That's all."

I could tell he was lying. Or at least not telling the full truth. I can read Stiles like an open book.

"Okay, tell Scott what I told you about Jackson, maybe I'll see you around, as long as your not trying to avoid me." I hung up the phone and through it onto the floor.

"I hate boys!" I screamed into my pillow.

"Really Brooke. That's not how I had you pegged."

I flipped over at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Derek what the hell are you doing here? How do you get in my room? How did you get in my house?"

I started to breath heavily as he walked closer to me.

"I have my ways. Werewolf." He lifted his hands as his claws grew out of his fingers. "Remember?"

"Derek you need to leave. I'll scream, I'll call the cops. I swear I will." He ran towards me throwing his hand over my mouth.

"Brooke don't you dare I'm not hear to hurt you. I'm here to help you. Ok? I didn't kill that girl I swear."

He looked at me with sincerity and pleading eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth I don't know how to explain it but I just get these feelings about people sometimes. Like I can tell what they're feeling. I guess I'm just good at reading people.

"Ok. But you still didn't say why you were here."

I said relaxing and sitting down on my bed.

He came and sat down next to me.

"Brooke you have to do whatever you can not to let Scott play in that game on Friday. He can not be in the game. Someone could get hurt, someone could die."

"I understand, I think he might already be planning on sitting this one out until he can figure out, you know everything."

"Ok." He nodded.

"Thank you for helping me." he said turning to leave.

"Derek. Wait can I ask you something?"

He turned back around with a puzzled look on his face.

"When I touched Scott's face this morning, when he was a werewolf in the locker room. He stopped and turned back, into... Himself."

"Ahhhh, Brooke... You must be his anchor." He said smirking.

"What's that?"

"It's a tie to the human side of him. It usually takes someone really important to bring you back, someone you really care about."

I frowned a little.

"But he doesn't care about me."

I said knowing what happened between us just a couple months ago.

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Derek said getting up and leaving the room.

Heyyyy guys I updated!! Tell me what you think!! Comment vote and follow!! I love hearing from you gust so message me any time!


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