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"You should talk to Leia"

I looked up frantically and my heart raced at the thought of it.

"Uhm-" I rubbed my eyes "Sure"

Siena smiled approvingly and gave me her arm for support as we limped out of the room.


Staring at General Organa's concentration face showed me the journey of her life.

The map of aging wrinkles told of an inspirational journey. Her forehead told me of difficult choices both past and present. Her eye lines told laughter and affection. She kept her thoughts to herself when she spoke.

Her words always moral and well calculated. She didn't make rash choices, she was wise and collected. As she sat at the desk I saw more than an old woman, I saw a figure of intelligence and complexity.

Balancing kindness and wisdom was in her blood.

Her face twisted into a reflecting and agonising frown and she propped her head into her hand and rested her index finger on her temple, face plastered in concentration. A small group surrounded her in silence. I looked to Siena who intently looked forward in the General's direction.

I rolled back and forth on the heels of my feet waiting with anticipation.

When we told her of the connections I was having with Kylo Ren, she didn't say much. She just sat still. Wordless. It felt like hours before anyone spoke.

Leia stood up from her seat and floated elegantly and stood in front of me. She relaxed her tense frown and took my hand. I was hesitant but something about her aura made me feel protected by her touch.

"Skye" my name tumbled of her voice softly. Her palm caressed my cheek, I look down. The lines on her hands swirled like an unfinished drawing. They were soft and delicate but small calluses were rough on my face.

"What do you understand about the force?" her brow knitted together with the unusual question, seemingly she was surprised she asked it. The soft hand on my cheek was moved back down to my hands and she bore into my eyes.

"Nothing really..." I looked down at our hands interlaced, thinking hardly. My head shot up when I remembered something.

"You can force choke people!" A wave of chuckling buzzed in the room, to my left I saw Siena biting her finger trying to supress a giggling fit. This brought a smile to my face. The laughter died as quick as it came and I turned to Leia.

"Yes you can," the amused smile morphed back into a neutral expression. "That's not all of course." She pulled her hands away from mine and sat down behind the desk.

"It's an energy" Leia started to explain and everyone listened intently.

"It balances light and dark. It binds the galaxy together" she paused for a moment of silence before continuing.

"Everyone in this room" she looked around the circle and pointed her finger in front of my chest "Even you my dear, have the force"

I stepped back to take in the information, my mind swirled like an untamed ocean. A warm burning feeling sparked in my chest were she pointed and I looked up.

"It is in us all however some of us are more sensitive to it" she pulled her finger away from me and the burning sensation stopped. Leia's eyes were a deep brown assessing my whole being. The liquid brown pools that looked into my deep crystal blue showed no fear.

"My dear" her words were sincere but dainty.

"I believe Ben-" she paused to correct herself.

"-Kylo sensed it in you. He sensed potential use of you and he would've abused the power. That's how he is contacting you. This bond is much similar to one I've seen before..." she paused and looked to Rey who was still but her face was creased with worry.

Leia turned back to me and spoke gently.

"Do you know who your parents are"

I felt isolated. Called out. Exposed. I felt my pulse rapidly increase and the burning sensation returned with no mercy. It ripped holes in my body and scarred my thoughts.

"I-" I choked on my words with a constricted throat. I fought the rising panic in my chest and I was weighed down with dread.

"I don't know..." my voice was drowning in worry. My eyes darted around frantically looking for one person. Just like they read my mind Poe stepped forward from behind the General and took up my vision.

Subconsciously my hands were searching for something to grab on to, eager for comfort. Poe's hand interlaced with mine and through blurred vision I looked up at his gaze. His eyes glistened with emotion, pulling his brows down with concern. His eyes darted around my face looking for any sign on sanity.

"Hey- hey its ok kid... it's ok" His hand fit into mine like a missing piece of a puzzle and he squeezed it tightly to calm me.

For once, it wasn't a lie. I didn't know who my parents were... But I did know, I didn't want to find out.

The contact with Poe brought me down from hysterics and I raised my chin to look at Leia. It took all the courage I had to speak without any trace of fear. But something inside me stirred, something boiled quickly.

Frustration built to the point were I could've exploded.

"I don't want any part of this."

My words were harsh yes, but something told me deep down if I got mixed in all this it wouldn't end well. Watery droplets started to fall down the side of my face again. I looked around the room and as I suspected, everyone was staring. Shock planted on all their faces.

I stormed out of the room before I did damage to anything. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, the burning feeling in my chest was lingering when I frantically walked the corridors.

"Hey! Gods you're quick for someone so small"

I turned at the loud voice and saw the pilot. Urgently, he jogged over to me as I istood impatiently. He stole my gaze and looked deeply into my eyes.

"What happened kid"

"Nothing, its fine. I'm fine" I started to walk.

"I thought I was stubborn" he chuckled and walked by my side. "You know you can tell me about it? Best pilot slash best listener".

My eyes fell to the back of my head and I looked at him unamused, he raised his hands in defeat.

"Ok.. ok no jokes" he looked forward.

We strolled side by side in silence, unintentionally I led us to the hangar. The familiarity of all the planes lined up cooled me down. We sat down on some crates by his new X-Wing, after the crash he swore to treat the new one like a god.

"How's the scar" I turned abruptly to look at the pink jagged line on his brow. He lifted his hand a touched the stitches lightly.

"Yeah its fine... just a scratch"

"Poe" I groaned

"What" he whined "Told you before, it doesn't hurt kid"

"You're pretentious" I scowled in a mocking tone.

"You're relentless"

"Listen flyboy if it wasn't for me" I pointed to the fresh cut "that would be infected" I smugly smiled and squinted my eyes.

"You're so right" his laugh was deep and husky and he tugged at his bottom lip with his finger, staring at the floor. His lip bounced back when he let go and looked in my eyes. A playful smile took over his face.

"What." my voice was flat and slightly irritated at his stare.

"Oh- nothin" he snickered childishly and fiddled with his hands. The faint wind made his hair rustle a smirk curved his features and a light dimple appeared. He stared out into the distance, his breathing was audible and calm when he spoke.

"Nothing at all"


any theories about skye? im curious. :))

if you want, leave a vote and a comment it makes my writing feel worth it! <3


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