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A hush of whispers fell over the mess hall as all eyes were on our table.

I fumbled out of my seat, leaving the tray of food behind.


"Poe wait" I slammed the door to his quarters behind me, not wanting to risk anyone hearing this argument

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"Poe wait" I slammed the door to his quarters behind me, not wanting to risk anyone hearing this argument.

"You lied to me" his voice broke down from a shout to shrouds of disappointment. Poe started to pace around the room erratically, loud footfall acting like a clock, ticking in my ear. Counting down to his breaking point.

"You said you'd never lie, and you did" he learnt over his desk, fingers curling into the wood.

"Look I'm sorry" I took a hesitant step closer. Poe turned away from me still, head hanging low.

"It was in the heat of the moment and you were so happy I didn't wanna ruin it-"

"I'd rather be sad than be lied to Drayson" his head snapped over his shoulder, his curls shadowing his eyes giving a sinister look to them.

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry is just a word kid, means nothing to me" his voice dipped lower than before, scraping in my lies.

"I can't believe for a second I even believed you" he retorted as he laughed at himself for being so stupid.


"No" his arms flapped in all directions, making me step back closer to the door.

"No, no I put my trust in you. You told me you told them the truth. YOU told me" he screamed, unleashing his anger on the desk, punching his hand onto the desktop making my skin jump.

"Something else I've fucked up then" I mumbled to myself, feeling a slow pressure build behind my eyes.

"To think for even a second I started to care for you" he hiccuped, voice breaking at the seams with underlying pain. He ran his tensed hand through his jungle of curls and took heaving breaths.

"More fool you" tears cracked at the surface of my eyes, pooling my vision in a wet foggy blanket.

"I'm the idiot for thinking I could trust you" he shook his head, hands planted back on the desk, staring down at the wood.

"I saved your life. I risked my squadron for you" he said to no one but himself, realising all the stupid things he did to save me.

And how he regretted them.

"And this is how you pay me back. Blatant lying?" He shouted and with a crash, he pushed everything off his desk in an outburst and it came to the floor with a loud thump.

The sound of his heavy breathing filled the silent air. I wished the ground would've swallowed me up; it didn't but my growing tears did. My cheeks dampened as I took another step towards him.

assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now