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My head felt a crushing pain, like I was being pressured in the back on my mind. Excruciating. Tears flooded my eyesight and he grabbed you by the collar and brought your ear to his lips.

"Remember who you work for kid."

His words spun in my mind like a whirlpool. His words would never leave me. He would never leave me.


"Air combat. Always under pressure" her dangerous eyes scanned the room.

"No matter how much you could train or who you are up against, the situation will always be different. You can never prepare yourself for what you will face. Everyone is at different levels" Vellas voice carried through the room.

I stare up in admiration at her authority. How can she be so calm all the time? Heck she's almost died before! Vellas striking platinum hair was pulled up in a tight bun, her posture was the height of sophistication. I always knew the resistance pilots were empowering but I didn't know a single look could cause a whole room to have your attention.

"To gain experience, you will be placed up against your partner in a controlled dogfight. To win you must have your target locked - no shooting -" she eyed the rowdy boys in the corner and turned back to the group.

"I wish you all the best of luck" She looked down at the clipboard in her grasp and read out the order of names.

"Ok, first up... Commander Dameron and his student Skye Drayson" she looked at you both and smiled. I guess we're jumping right into to action.

Our small group followed Vella like a pack of dogs, eager to impress the leader. She dragged us through a different hanger. The light seeped into the room as she opened the doors . The gorgeously intimidating X- Wings faced opposite each other, desperate to be flown.

Poe leaped ahead of the group, confidence beaming through every step and of course, BB-8 whirred with joy by his side. Poe, with no hesitation climbed into the incredible machine and as always gave a smug salute towards me. he never fails to get on my nerves.

I stumble into the pilots seat, eager to impress my superiors. I had flown many times in the past, leaping from planet to planet with ease. I had only been in combat a few times, only winning by the skin of my teeth. I felt like people underestimated me, I wasn't be biggest most confident person and I am sure that doesn't help my social standing. However I have never doubted my ability to fly.

"Now remember you two" Vella eyes you both. "Lock onto your target and do not shoot." She demanded, oozing with leadership. "Have fun".

The rumble of engines made the hangar vibrate. In a blink of an eye Poe was out of the hangar, flying of into the distance. Leaving me look like a fool still pulling forward to exit. deep breaths Skye. "Jeez he's fast" I muttered angrily, fiddling with the wheel.

I was thrown to the back of my seat as I speeded of, it felt like the whole planet was trembling under the flight. I bobbed up and down, in rhythm with the plane to stay comfortable. "Is that all you got?" A familiar voice piped up through the communicators. I could hear his smirk through the audio. In my peripheral vision I saw the ever so similar X-Wing pull up along side me. Seating a cocky Dameron saluting at me and he sped past with ease. "I'm not even trying yet kid.". Ass.

I pushed on the accelerator being thrown back into the seat. I was eager to catch up to the "best pilot" in the resistance. The scenery sped past and became a blur of green and blue. I maintained my speed and his X-wing never left my eyes.

He suddenly swirled around, weaving in and out of the blossoming hills, trying to lose me. I wouldn't let him. Back and forth he changed his direction constantly, trying to keep me at bay. He went out of view. fuck. I mentally kicked myself as I hovered trying to find him. No luck. I sighed and desperately flew around looking for the pilot. A rush of vibrations and pressure zipped past my plane. Dameron. I saw him speed past, purposely taunting me.

I weighed my whole body on the accelerator and punched the gas. Catching up to him was easier than I though, maybe he thought I gave up? Not a chance.

I stayed on his tail for what felt like hours. Mirroring his every move trying to lock him onto my unloaded blasters. Every time he successfully evaded being locked on to my machine.

"Jeez kid, don't get too excited" I heard his panting voice through my ears. I snickered out loud.

"I'm not even trying yet" i mirrored his words, I knew it would piss him off. And just to confirm that I heard a huff of annoyance from my ear phones.

The cat and mice chase didn't seem to end. Our sky dance was being monitored and watched by everyone down below - ha no pressure there then - and i felt I needed to make the move. So I did.

I steadied my hands and turned on the target locater, trying to match the shape of his X-wing with the one on the tiny screen in front of me.

Target locked.

The machine beeped in my ears telling me I could've taken my shot. I won. I beat the Poe Dameron and it felt good.

"Might need a bandage after that one Commander" i smugly spoke. New he knows how it feels.

"Nice one Drayson, but when it's the real thing just remember who you work for kid"

'.......remember who you work for kid........"

The words repeated in a cycle in my head. Chewing me up and spitting me out as if I were nothing. He said that. All the time. The monster in black. Time seemed to stop in the cockpit midair. My world crumbles around me. A panic attack ensued. My breath became erratic and irregular. Sobbing a coughing choked my lungs and didn't let me breath. Choking on my own tears triggered my whole body to shake. I felt paralysed.

Inaudible voices screeched in my ear.

"Skye I need you to land safle-"

"Drayson can you hear us..."

Everyone's words jumbled into nothing. The earth swirled underneath my feet and seemed to get closer and closer.

My heart pounded as I realised the ground was rapidly getting closer as i nose dived towards the trees. With my weakness taking over I felt as if I were about to black out.

The trees were seconds away.

My eyelids shut slowly, preparing my whole body for the fall-


Wooo we are getting there lol s/o to my like one reader ahhhaaa

please comment any criticism I'd love to improve!

I'm supppeer excited to let this story unfold :)

I based the 'panic attack' on my own experiences so hopefully it made it realistic

peace out ;)

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