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"Yeah- yeah I'm fine" i think.

"Okaaaay" he stared at me judgmentally. fair enough.

He shook his head slightly in frustration and left the cantina. Leaving me just before the rush at lunch time happened.

Waking to the repetitive alarm wouldn't get old. It was a simple routine I had. Wake up. Shower. Dress. Gossip with Rana. A new addition- recovery training. Lunch. Flying. Dinner. Sleep.

"Now with hand to hand combat it doesn't matter how big you are, or how muscular you are" Poe, the physical trainer, addressed the room.

"Being small and nifty is more practical than being large. For example" he looked at me "Skye here, merely 5'3 could take on..." he scanned the room "... Vella easily."

Vella was an intimidating 5'11. She towered of me and smirked, knowing she would beat me to a pulp in a fight.

"Now their difference in height means nothing. Drayson would be quicker on her feet. Able to dodge easier" Poe gestured for me to Vella to join his side on the mats.

He's doing this on purpose I swear! He knows I'd lose.

Vella confidently took her long strides in front of me. We probably looked comical with the height difference.

Standing next to Poe he initiated the fight. Placing me in a fight stance.

His rough hand looked huge on mine as he moved my hand into a tight fist ahead of me. He stood right behind me, my back digging into his chest as he moved my other hand into a fist close to my chest.

Of course Vella Nost didn't need help. She knew just what to do. Silently mocking my lack of experience. Watching me helplessly be man handled into the right positions.

Poe took a few steps back and blew into the whistle around his neck watching closely to our move.

Nice. Put a pro next to a amateur. Genius.

Vella took the first hit at me. Aiming for my right shoulder. Pain surged through my body when I realised what was happening.

I shook my head into reality.

Punch after punch was thrown. Both of us losing and gaining confidence throughout the fight. At the occasional glance, Poe stood there arm folded over his chest watching carefully.

Vella spat on the floor by my feet and our eyes met. I didn't see a woman. I saw a nightmare. She launched herself on top of me, straddling her legs over each side of my waist.

My face was pummelled repeatedly. Each hit would leave a new mark to my collection. I licked my lips able to taste my own blood. disgusting. I spat to the side.

I winced and tried to swap places so I could straddle over my partner and beat the shit out of her like she did to me.

Vellas body rolled onto its back as I took over the fight. But I couldn't do it. I couldn't punch her, I don't know why I just couldn't. So I stared at her emotionless.

She saw this as an advantage, rolling my helpless limp of a body onto its bruised back and continued her punches to my now battered jaw.

Looking into her eyes she felt no remorse or regret.

I was the enemy to her.

I must've been partially out of it because a shapeless figure pulled Vella of me and dragged her momentarily psycho body to the side, calming her down.

Another figure rushed to my side but all i saw was white stars flying across my vision. The mass picked me up bridal style and ordered something, I wasn't sure what it said, I didn't know who it was, it sounded like a muffled voice.


"Back for more?" A familiar voice chuckled deeply. Seth.

I reached my heavy, droopy arms to my eyes to rub them awake.

"What can I say? I missed you" I moaned tiredly. He laughed. There's that personality I love.

"Well, this time it wasn't anything too serious, just a bloody nose and a few bruises" he examined my jaw.

"Lucky me" I mumbled angrily.

"Yes" he smiled "Now you're awake, I'm allowed to dispatch you" he stated, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Oh- oh ok that's uhm- fine" I stuttered, trying to make it obvious I didn't want to leave just yet.

Gathering my coat, slowly, I walked to the door. This is the perfect opportunity come one Skye dont be a pussy.

fuck it.

"Would you like to come to lunch" I turned to speak "with me-" i close my eyes praying for an answer.

My prayers were answered.

" I'd love to " the words exited his mouth quickly and desperately, he tried hard to hide his smug smile.

Lunch got us a few stares. Doctors weren't assigned to eat in the canteen so Seths white coast stuck out like a needle in a haystack.

I caught a glance at Kotrana, she beamed at me acknowledging the man by my side, giving me a look of pride. I giggled.

His joy seemed to go wherever he went. His ocean blue eyes creasing to match his gorgeous white smile and little dimples. Whenever he ruffled his hand through his hair, it flopped onto his head effortlessly looking good.

One stare, however, did surprise me.

Poe sat behind Seth facing me. His eyes burnt holes into the back of Seths head. If looks could kill. I chose to ignore the tantrums throwing pilot and focused on Seth, his stories captivated me.


"This was nice" I smiled softly at Seth.

"It was, wasn't it?" He agreed.

He walked me back to my dorm in a buzzing silence , our hands brushed one another.

"This is me" I stopped outside the dorm and turned to face Seth. "Thank you" I felt my blush burning my skin and I looked down in second hand embarrassment. Seth looked almost regal as he walked away.

I tried to fiddle with the lock but it was already open ajar. Rana must be in, i was bursting to tell her about this 'date'.

I opened the unlocked door.

No Kotrana.

Only chaos.

My mattress flipped on it's side and all my paper and works sprawled out in unorganised piles. My clothes were spread throughout the room. Kotrana's side was less manic but her folders were all on the floor.

I sucked in my breath. The room spun at 100 mph. My tears chocked my eyes, forbidding them to see what was ahead of me.

Someone broke in.

I sunk down the front door and curled into a ball. My clasped my knees to my chest a room deep breathes.

who did this.


who do you think did it?

hope you're enjoying this story! leave a vote and comment if you did (:

all criticism is encouraged! i want to be happy with my work

have a good day!

assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now