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"You are one hell of a woman" he cupped my cheek again and sighed. I held my hand against his and interlaced our fingers.

"Could say the same about you flyboy"


Fate is a blessing and a curse.

It can guide you down a winding road, littered with both good and bad.

I never trusted it though. It was a fake reality in my opinion. A dream for people with no true purpose in life. Fate was almost as cruel as death, it clamped around my neck and squeezed the air clean out of me. Yet I fought with the hope that fate would get tired of being my demon.

And it did.

It became numb, freeing me from its clutches allowing a new feeling to take its place.

The feeling made me both a warrior and angel- but not a leader, not someone who looked for a pointless battle for the thrill of it. It gave me the strength to follow what was right.

In a galaxy of never ending war, where cruelty believes it dominates our minds, that feeling is the antidote.

That feeling guided me away from the dark and led me to the light.

Through what felt like the endless tsunami of darkness, he saw it in me for forgiveness.

Under the sky of perfect midnight velvet, under the stars so bright they drew eyes from all directions. Scattered patches of faint and bold light meshed with the sky splattered with clouds.

"Look how far we've come" I leant up on my elbow and hummed turning to Poe, who was spread out at my side. Lying face up, studying the night.

"And to think you hated me" I chuckled, amused at our entire situation. Poe moved his weight to his side as he sat up, mirroring my position

"Now, now I didn't hate you-" he mused, sporting his signature smug grin.

"You were an acquired taste"

"Very funny" I giggled, flopping back onto the ground, eyes scanning the quiet night. The distant sound of the resistance buzzing in the background Poe and I have been publicly a 'thing' for over 2 months now. I haven't found it in myself to say those 3 words yet, neither has he.

I looked back up to the sky, a looming cloud blocked the light from our moon. A single drop of rain splatted onto my forehead and I creased up.

"It's gonna rain, lets head in" I started to sit up when a firm hand pushed my thigh to the ground. I scowled and turned to Poe, who hand made a comfortable home on my leg.

"I like the rain" he grinned in the dark light.

"Well, I don't" I shoved his hand off me and tried to get up. With a hard pull on my shirt I collapsed on top of Poe. I looked down at him, blowing a single strand of hair off my face. He was smiling sheepishly- obviously- I got up, knees either side of him and narrowed my eyes.

"Really?" I tilted my head in annoyance, feeling a few more drops of rain hit my neck, making me shiver.

"Yep" more droplets fell around us, I acted as a roof for Poe who still lay smugly underneath me. A drop ran down my hair and plopped on his nose and I smirked.

Poe's nose shrivelled up as he tried to get the drop to fall off him- he was unsuccessful.

"Like the rain now?" I started to laugh as it fell heavier onto my back, soaking through to my skin. He didn't say anything other than looked into my eyes. A deep feeling radiating from both of us. I couldn't help but smile like an idiot at him.

Poe sits up and I adjust myself on his lap.

The rain runs down our faces to where our lips met, each of us tasting the cold drops. He held his hand gently on my damp hair and I rested my shaking palm on the back of his head.

From where we were locked together tenderly, the world ceased to exist and all of a sudden I didn't care about the heavens opening above us. The galaxy was blurred and indistinct as wet pearls trickled between our lips.

When I pulled back, his eyes were washed from doubt and angst they used to hold.

The kiss, the look, a stolen moment that could've washed a way but instead it was set in time, branding us both.

Poe's face dropped from joy to sorrow as he remembered something. His hands fell to his side and he ignored my gaze.

"I-" he stuttered.

"I have an important mission coming up"

I felt my heartbeat start to increase, missions had been on the down low since the fight with the First Order so if there was a mission it was never good news.

"Will it be dangerous?" I ran my hand through his wet hair, shaking out the droplets stained in his dark curls. Poe gently grabbed my wrist and brought it to his lips, tenderly placing a short kiss intertwined with rain of my hand.

"I don't know" he mumbled into my hand, the consistent rain hammering above us.

"What's it for?" I was hesitant to ask but Poe just shook his head, implying it was not to be shared. I sighed in response and sunk into his lap, he pulled me close and into his warm embrace which blocked out the freezing rain that fell around us.

I rested my head on his chest and he planted his lips into my hair.

He mumbled something inaudible.

"What was that?" I hummed into his shirt, playing with the top button in my hand. A warm breath fell down the back of my neck, crashing with the water on my skin.

"I love you"

"Say that again" I shoved at his chest so I could see his face. Even in the dark I could see his cheeks flushing red. My heart stammered in disbelief and an uncontrollable smile spread on my lips.

"I'm in love with you" his lips parted into a warm smile. If it could, my heart would've melted on the spot. My whole body wobbled into liquid and I smashed my lips on to his, he wasn't expecting it and it took him a moment before pushing himself back on to me.

I smiled onto his lips and pulled back.

"I love you too"


and there it is... wouldn't be lying if I said I cried a bit


assured liar ☼ poe dameronWhere stories live. Discover now