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"Thank you" my lips threatened to curve into a smile. I didn't know what I was thanking him for- but it felt right.

"No problem rags"


"Skye Drayson report to central office" my own name from the speakers made my skin crawl.

I knew something bad was about to happen, especially after what just happened. I ran my hand through my matted and sweaty hair and dug my fingertips into my scalp.

"Here we go" I said to no one in particular. The only ones present in the hangar were me and protocol droids- cleaning up the crash. I was with Aaram, one of our many, many strange encounters.

As I trudged to the office I hung my heart on a noose. Left out to dry. Shrivel, into nothing. It had experienced enough trauma and breaks on behalf of millions.

But for some odd reason, nothing hurt more than thinking I could trust someone that nearly gave their life to save mine.

Trust is a cruel desire.

Takes a lifetime to build but seconds to break.

My feet planted firmly in front of the horribly familiar doors and I placed 3 large knocks on it. It opened to show me a friendly face


"Maree" I nodded my head curtly at the girl in front of me. She always seemed giddy and carefree when I saw her. I still wasn't quite sure what her job was, door opener? I silently chuckled.

"Hope you're not in trouble" she joked, tucking her snow coloured hair behind her ear. I wish that was the case- not being in trouble.

"Uh- me too" i gritted my teeth into a sore grin, the door girl seemed to buy it and let me through.

"I've got lots of work to do but you know the way, don't you?" She tilted her head to the side, I looked down to her crystal blue hands which clutched onto a pile of papers and nodded.

She flashed me a quick smile and walked away.

I walked as slowly as I could to Leia's office, dragging out the minutes for as long as possible. But the scolding awaited me.

I stood behind the door for a moment before lowering my hand onto the metal handle. It sent a quick shiver down my veins. I curled my scarred fingers around it and pushed it open.

Everyone in the room turned at my entrance.

I bit down onto my lip hard and darted my eyes frantically across the sea of faces. Poe, Siena, Leia and a few unrecognisable people.

They all wore solemn and stern expressions, all seemingly disappointed. I felt my body tense under their watchful eyes. I walked over and stood opposite The General and bowed.

"Skye" Leia lowered her gaze to the ring on her finger. She spun the golden circle around her digit and took the ring off and placed it down on the table.

Our eyes met when she stood up. Hers were stained with authority, shock and... sadness? The creases around her eyes crinkled together as she frowned lightly.

Her eyes traveled around my face, studying my mind. I felt insecure under her close gaze.

"Skye, what you did," she shook her head and sighed "was completely and utterly unacceptable" she sighed deeply with disappointment. Behind her, Poe was crossing his arms over his chest and looking to the ground tentatively. Thinking.

"In my defence General-"

A scoff from Dameron made me shoot him a death stare, he quietened down and I returned my gaze to the General.

assured liar ☼ poe dameronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz